Title: Black Willow Artist: mythichistorian Adult Content: No Warnings: Don't look if spiders creep you out ... Characters/Pairings: Dark Willow Category: Wallpapers Notes: sharable/adoptable etc.
Thanks! It was quite a challenge (and I don't particularly like spiders, so I had that to deal with too ...) I think it came out all right, although it's not perfect, by any manner of means. I tend to think that black and purple go well together - especially when aiming for that 'gothic' feel. *g*
The font used for the quote is called 'Chiller' and the main title is 'Anarchistic.' Both very useful, decorative fonts - although one is slightly more readable than the other!
Comments 7
The font used for the quote is called 'Chiller' and the main title is 'Anarchistic.' Both very useful, decorative fonts - although one is slightly more readable than the other!
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