Fic: Mousetrap 101 (Complete) (4/5)

Mar 28, 2012 20:22

Part 3

As soon as Finn exited the room, Anderson turned to face Rachel. “What is it you want to tell me, Mrs Hudson?”

Rachel fiddled with her hands nervously. “When you informed us about the old murder case, you seemed to think that the oldest boy-the one that’s missing-is possibly the murderer. But you can’t know that for sure, right?”

“That is true, Mrs Hudson. I cannot possibly be certain of it but you have to understand, the probabilities do lie that way.” Blaine explained gravely.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he deserted the army, the psychiatrist’s report was especially worrisome and it seems that the boy-more like the young man, now-is mentally unstable.”

“And therefore it all seems to point towards Kurt, I get it.” Rachel completed his thought process, “But I don’t think it’s him. There must be other possibilities!” she pressed.

“Look, Mrs. Hudson-”

“Didn’t those kids have parents? Maybe one of them did something! You know, to avenge for the death of their child perhaps! If the son is mentally unstable, then probably the father is as well-”

“Those are all mere presumptions, Mrs. Hudson-”

“The murderer could actually be middle-aged or even older than that! Major Tanner was really upset when I told him about the phone earlier, I saw him-he really was!”

“Please believe me, Mrs Hudson, I’ve thought of everything and everyone. Not only your guests, but you and your husband as well.”

Rachel gaped. “But why? We haven’t done anything!”

“Are you certain of this, Mrs Hudson? Maybe you can be certain about yourself but what about your husband, Mr. Hudson? Are you absolutely positive that he is not involved?”

Rachel felt sick in the stomach, her mind flashing back to the newspaper thrown haphazardly over the kitchen table. “Oh God.”

Blaine chuckled humourlessly. “I know what you’re thinking, Mrs. Hudson. And I’ll tell you one thing only; be certain that the murderer is enjoying himself. And that’s the only thing I’m sure of.” The sergeant finished, exiting the room.

Rachel stayed behind, her posture straight and her heart racing.


“-this is so peculiar! I don’t think anyone was expecting it! The sergeant is unimaginably angry-yet still ridiculously attractive-I mean, who would steal his skis?”

Rachel turned around sharply at the rambling voice as Kurt Hummel entered the kitchen, looking slightly breathless.

“The sergeant’s skis? Why would anyone do such thing?”

Kurt exhaled dramatically. “I have no clue. I mean, if the sergeant decided to leave us, wouldn’t that be what the killer wants? Why sabotage him?”

“Maybe you haven’t found them yet? Finn put them in the cardboard downstairs-”

“No, we’ve searched. Thoroughly. They’re not there-intriguing, isn’t it? And the sergeant is getting awfully frustrated about it. He’s been snapping at the Major, insisting that he must have seen whether the skis were there or not when he looked into the cardboard a few hours ago. As a matter of fact, I should return-”

“Please, don’t go!” Rachel grabbed his arm, her voice desperate.

Kurt looked at her disbelievingly. “Do you really mean that?”


Kurt cleared his throat, still looking at her with a guarded expression. “You want me to stay?”

“Yes.” Rachel nodded emphatically. “I’m afraid to be alone.”

“Okay, I’m staying.” Kurt replied slowly and Rachel let go of his hand in relief.

“You can sit on the table; I’ll just put the pie I’ve making this morning in the oven.” Rachel offered, smiling tightly.

“This is … very interesting.” Kurt said in a level voice, once he sat down on the table.

“What is interesting?” Rachel asked, sitting on the table herself.

Kurt gazed at her wearily. “You’re not afraid to be alone with me, are you?”

“I’m not.” She answered immediately.

“Why are you not afraid, Rachel?” Kurt asked quietly.

“I don’t know. I’m just-I’m not.”

“I’m the only who fits the bill.” He confessed, “Doesn’t that frighten you?”

“No.” Rachel replied vehemently. “Because it’s not you, you haven’t murdered Ms. Fabray-I know it! I spoke to the sergeant before; I told him there are other possibilities!”

“Did he agree?”

“Well,” Rachel said slowly, “he didn’t disagree so-” I know what you’re thinking, Mrs Hudson.

She looked up suddenly, staring at his impressive eyes and asked irrelevantly. “How long have we known each other, Kurt? Two days?”


“Then why do I feel like I’ve known you forever when I hardly know anything about you?”

A small smile grazed Kurt’s lips. “Ask me.”

“Excuse me?”

“Ask about my life, my past. Anything you want to know.”

Rachel frowned. “You said something…” her voice trailed off. “When my husband, Finn, accused you of murdering Ms. Fabray-you said it wasn’t the first time it had happened? I didn’t understand-”

Kurt sighed in resignation. “When I was in High School, in my junior year, there was this boy-his name was Brandon … McClaine, I think? Anyway, he was a few years younger than myself and he was really small and thin and basically, everyone was picking up on him.” He paused, smiling sadly. “Of course, I wanted to help but I wasn’t in any better place really and I was … scared. Of what those kids-the bullies-could do. So I kept it to myself. For a long time.”

Rachel bit her lip. “What happened then?”

“I was at the locker rooms one day, grabbing a few things of mine, when I heard them-the jocks-and Brandon. But they weren’t picking up on him this time.”

Rachel felt a knot slowly form into her stomach. “What were they doing?”

Kurt looked up at her, his gaze stricken. “They were beating him up, really badly and they hadn’t noticed me. I wanted to stop them but I knew it was a lost cause, there were six of them and-”

“Did you do it?”

“-yes. I did.” His features darkened. “Saying that it didn’t work would be an understatement.”

“What happened then?”

“Then they left. Without even touching me.”

“But that’s good, isn’t it?” Rachel asked confusedly.

“It’s not if your hands are full blood and the jocks alert the police to come arrest you for attempted murder.”

Rachel gasped. “They didn’t.”

Kurt nodded grimly. “I wasn’t an adult yet so I didn’t go to prison. But I went through trials for months while Brandon was at the hospital in a coma, unable to testify for my innocence. When he eventually woke up and gave evidence against those bullies, I had a permanent criminal record, my father had almost died of a heart attack and I couldn’t even see him while he was in the hospital because I wasn’t allowed!” a chocked-off sob escaped his throat and he placed a hand over his mouth tightly.

“I’m so sorry.” Rachel mumbled, “That’s terrible. And I thought I had it worse with Finn-”

Kurt turned towards her sharply. “What about him? Did he do anything to you?”

“God, no!” Rachel shook her head. “It’s not Finn’s fault. It’s that horrible man, the sergeant, who’s putting thoughts in my head!”

“About Finn?” Kurt asked surprised. “Of course, he and I seem to be of the same age more or less-he does seem older than me but I suppose he’s not.” He chewed on his lip thoughtfully. “I guess Finn could fit the bill as well but it doesn’t matter because he wasn’t in London that day the woman was killed-right?”

Rachel’s lower lip trembled.


“He was out all day, buying groceries! The weather was awful so I didn’t think it was strange that it took him so long-he was only here, in our town-I mean, that’s what he said but-”

“But what?”

Slowly, Rachel reached out for the newspaper-the Daily Mail-that was on the kitchen counter.

“It was on the table, along with Finn’s keys and his wallet. He must have been to London.”

Kurt avoided her gaze as he said, “How much do you actually know about Finn?”

“Don’t! Please, Kurt, don’t make me think of those-” she stopped abruptly as the door opened.

“Am I interrupting something?” Finn grumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he stood at the doorway.

Kurt quickly got up from where he was seating, “I was just asking Rachel on some cooking advice.” He said.

“Well, you know what Hummel? I don’t think those tête-à-têtes are a good idea. You stay out of the kitchen and away from my wife, you got that?”

“Oh, come on-”

“I said, keep away from Rachel!” Finn shouted, “She’s not going to be the next victim.”

Kurt exhaled audibly, shooting daggers at Finn. “That’s exactly what I’m worrying about.”

“Well, let me do the worrying! Get the hell out of here.” Finn seethed, taking a step forward.

“Fine.” Kurt threw his hands in the air in frustration. “But I won’t go far.” He said, addressing the words to Rachel.

Finn sighed impatiently. “Will you get out of here?”

“Yes, sir.” Kurt mocked, closing the door behind him and leaving Finn and Rachel alone.

As soon as Kurt left the room, Finn turned on Rachel.

“For God’s sake, Rachel, have you lost it? Staying in the kitchen alone with a crazy killer?”

“Finn, he’s not a-” she changed the phrase midway, “-he’s not dangerous. And I can take care of myself anyway.” She huffed.

“Right,” Finn laughed humourlessly, “Like Ms. Fabray could take care of herself, right?” he mocked.

“Finn, stop.”

“No, I won’t stop! And what’s up with you and that weird guy, Hummel, uh? What the hell do you see in him anyway? He’s like, so freaking abnormal.”

“You don’t know anything about Kurt-”

“-calling him Kurt too!” Finn cut her off, carrying on heatedly. “Since when have you been on first-name terms?”

“Oh come on, it’s been-”

“Two days? But no, maybe it’s not only two days. Perhaps you already know Mr. Kurt Hummel, that young weirdo, before he came here. That’s it, isn’t? You asked him to come here behind my back-did you two plan this whole thing?”

Rachel’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Finn, what the hell are you talking about? You’ve gone nuts!”

“Oh, now I’m the crazy one? No, Rachel, tell me the truth. When did you really meet Kurt Hummel for the first time? How long has this been going on?”

“I can’t believe this.” Rachel shook her head disbelievingly. “It’s like I don’t even know who you are. You’re so full of lies and suspicions-”

“When have I lied to you?” Finn demanded incredulously.

“That day you went to buy the supplies-you told me you went to the village but you didn’t go there, did you? You went to London!” Rachel cried accusingly.

“And how do you know that?” Finn hissed, “Were you there as well? Did you see me when you went to meet Kurt?”

“You’re unbelievable! I told you I’ve never seen Kurt before-” Rachel stopped abruptly at the sound of a faint cough and she turned around sharply to see James standing in the doorway.

“What are you doing here?” Rachel gasped, placing a hand on her chest.

James smirked. “Oh, nothing. I was only sitting in the living room when I heard you two lovebirds fighting.”

“What did you hear?” Finn demanded shakily.

“I heard enough.” James replied airily, glancing at the couple intriguingly before exiting the room while whistling faintly.

Part 5

genre: mystery, character: rachel, character: kurt, character: finn, character: blaine, genre: suspense, progress: complete, gleebang, character: jessie, character: quinn, character: dave

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