Sep 05, 2010 01:30
So. Sherlock is all about the whole deduction game, and that usually involves picking up minute details about a certain person thing and drawing a logical conclusion from that detail. This can range in importance relative to who it is; anywhere from telling if someone is left or right-handed, to something bigger like profession or family history.
Examples from canon: Mobile phone have scuff marks around where it's plugged in to charge at night? Someone might have a drinking problem, as every night they go to charge their cell, their coordination is off, and scratches the side of the phone while trying to do so. A coffee mug sat on a desk with it's handle facing the left? Must be left-handed. ETC ETC.
And thus the reason why I'm making this post:
What details can Sherlock notice about your character, and what assumptions can be made from those details?
Since lol I am not familiar with every canon or character here. And even if I was, I still feel like something like this requires permission anyway. And it's not really IMPERATIVE!!!!!1 that everyone responds to this; it's just for a little fun and potential for interesting CR down the line.