Anono comments anyone?

Sep 30, 2010 10:35

Today is my Friday, which means I am busy, but also up for anono comments distrasction when I come up for air in an hour or so. Ask a question, confess a thing, tell me a secret thing, describe your view or a good thing you saw, or anything basically. The only rule is don't be cruel.

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Comments 4

anonymous September 30 2010, 11:30:44 UTC
I feel disgustingly happy and blessed at the moment, and have no idea what I did to deserve this.


whatsagirlgotta September 30 2010, 12:01:05 UTC
Ah this is an excellent anono-comment!


anonymous September 30 2010, 11:37:58 UTC
I am wearing the second pair of extremely expensive kneehigh boots that belonged to my mum. Unlike the black ones I wore last week, these brown ones are almost unworn: looking at them, I'd say they've been out of the house precisely once, and that for not-very-long. I guess that means that Mum bought them around this time last year, when she knew she was ill but when we were still hoping that she'd be lucky. Oh Mum.

Bet you can't guess who I am!


whatsagirlgotta September 30 2010, 12:02:58 UTC
Oh love, that's awfully bittersweet.


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