Public Service Announcement

Aug 19, 2010 14:24

This journal is friends only because I like to know who can/can't - in theory - see what I write.

If you've added me I won't add you unless I know who you are so comment and let me know! This rule doesn't apply if I added you first.

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Comments 17

dr_f_dellamorte February 4 2008, 12:56:20 UTC
hello hello! hope you don't mind me adding you?


whatsagirlgotta February 4 2008, 13:34:08 UTC
No, not at all. I will warn you I'm a bit quiet on the journal front just lately and mostly dull when I do!


leedy February 25 2008, 17:15:11 UTC
Hullo! I have friended you because I met you on Friday in A Pub.


whatsagirlgotta February 26 2008, 11:46:55 UTC
Hello! I am just back from away and shall add you shortly.


class_worrier August 25 2008, 07:58:24 UTC
Hello, I've added you so that we can have virtual punch-ups until the next real one.


whatsagirlgotta August 25 2008, 11:54:57 UTC
Adding back, be warned... I am all the emo.


class_worrier August 25 2008, 13:35:47 UTC
We best get the punch-ups started, then.


whatsagirlgotta August 25 2008, 21:56:34 UTC
All right then, *biff*


birdsflying January 28 2009, 07:05:16 UTC
hello! We did the whole In A Pub, Must Add You thing. :g:


whatsagirlgotta January 28 2009, 11:27:10 UTC
Hello, I remember! Adding back will commence shortly.


wonderlanded March 20 2009, 17:31:06 UTC
Hello -- I have long been meaning to add you and finally got organised, I see you commenting in lots of comments and I suspect we have actually met at some point (yiskah's going-to-Sudan drinks a few years back?

Anyway, I'd love to read your journal as well as your comments.


whatsagirlgotta March 23 2009, 11:05:54 UTC
Hello, I have added you back, although I fear you'll find my journal rather mundane and whiney at present! I was indeed at yiskahs going-to-Sudan drinks so we may well have met then, or indeed at other related events.


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