Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Title: The Analog Myth (4/4)
Author: Em
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence
Word Count: ~40,000 (in 4 parts)
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Warning: (highlight to reveal) character death (original character)
Summary: While doing routine negations on a planet that might actually be able to help the SGC fight the Ori, SG-1 stumbles
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Comments 7
I loved this, honey. It's a very satisfying cap to the trilogy. :D I am forever impressed by your ability to write Plot, without sacrificing Character. As usual your OCs are fabulous (Vaisey *giggles*), and I find myself very much hoping that Gerard somehow finds some way to get his brother back. *snuggles you*
Gerard is a smart man-I think the real question is whether or not a soul can be captured in a hard drive.
You did not disappoint me!!
Wonderful characterisation and world-building, but best of all the story itself, truly original ... with little hints of authors like Asimov, I think.
Delightful, worth staying up for, thank you so very much for your efforts! :D
This proves you haven't read my mind yet. ;)
I want fic where Gerard aks about C3P0 and Teal'c shows him Star Wars. There should be ice cream and jello, too!
Love how Jack gets all the aliens into it. ;)
Hope Gerard finds a way to get his brother back without taking Ba'al out, too.
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