Title: The First One Hundred
Rating: PG-13 (T)
Genre: general/romance
Characters/Pairings: France, England, FrUK
Summary: Two thousand years of France and England (Francis and Arthur), one step at a time.
Words: 6571
Note: For the what_the_fruk challenge cycle with the theme 'Time and Space.' The section headings (and titles) are taken from a wonderful poem called
The First One Hundred, by Jerome Rothenberg. I took the liberty of a) not actually writing stories for all 100 and b) mixing up the order a little. But I kept the numbering. I also put extensive historical notes in most of my fics; for this one I decided to simply give the subject right below the section title. Enjoy~
Archipelago of the wandering dream... Psst also more people post for the challenge cycle! Please~!