Title: Jacobellis v. Ohio Part 6/6: Crown of Myrtle
Rating: R
Warnings: None for this one my friends.
Spoilers: None
Summary: He’d very deliberately not planned this out, because Kurt’s plans almost always go to hell.
Author’s Note: This is it folks, this is all there is.
He said what? )
Comments 41
I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
I also have to say that of all the K/B stories I've read, this Kurt and this Blaine (and by twisted extension, us readers) deserved this ending. They worked hard to get here.
Mercedes: "Boy, you hit that."
Damn straight, Mercedes! Amen!
*high five*?
I think the thing I enjoy about these two boys that grew in my head is that they're neither of them perfect, but they both try *so hard*. I have to love them for that.
Mercedes is the voice of truth, no question.
I also totally noticed Blaine's fascination with Kurt's wrists and forearms. He has nice taste ;)
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