Title: Jacobellis v. Ohio Part 4: Something There is That Doesn’t Love a Wall
Rating: R
Warnings: Some language, but nothing beyond that.
Spoilers: Nope
Summary: He misses Blaine, but he isn’t entirely sure he can forgive him.
Author’s Note: This part has a very interlude-y feel, but according to my (made up) rules, it’s too long to be called an “
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Comments 17
And you did such a nice succinct job of addressing Blaine's external vs internal issues.... I'm a bit in awe. I will have to come back with more thoughts because I'm currently out of town/away from 'puter and reading on my iPod which is killing me. Look what you made me do with your thoughtful stories.
Love how everyone other than k and b always see more than they do. Proximity ruins perspective.
I was a little anxious after last chapter that the exploration of Blaine's issues wouldn't meet with your expectations. I read over that part way too much after your comment wondering if I did them justice or if you were going to shake your head in disappointment. Phew!
Yes, both of these boys are pretty blind. They're working on it though.
I don't like to out myself as a nerd too much (too late, eh?) but the world can never have enough references to science. (RIP, Van der Meer. The LHC wouldn't be around with you.)
I can't put into words how amazing this story is.
The last chapter moved my to tears, and this chapter...
Never stop writing <3
That is all.
Of *course* he's studying Newton's 3rd law. This? This is why I love you.
Your Finn is spot on. He's hard to do without making him sounds like an idiot or Chance the Gardener. You give him the right amount of emotional savant.
"It hit him like he'd walked in and found Kurt crying."
God, I could just roll around in conversations and text about passing and privilege like a call girl on her first million dollar trick rolling around in hundred dollar bills. Of course I loved the shit out of the "you could pass for normal part."
“hey man the two of you are like some epic love story, no way you don’t work out in the end.” Right?
...and, at last, you leave us with hope. You know just when to stop the torture.
I struggle with Finn a little, my solution may or may not have been to just have him parroting his mother's advice.
We've definitely summited the mountain of angst, we'll start working our way down from here.
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