The irony is, that before acquiring any new faculties one does not now possess, one must first acquire qualities that one thinks s/he already possesses but about which s/he deceives herself/himself.
Hi, I notice you've added me as a friend. How did you find me? Where do you live, if you don't mind? I have a bunch of cool Indian friends but you belong to the bayarea community so I'm thinking west coast?
I add the journals to my "friends" list that I find worth reading for various reasons - some for pure writing skills that I can emulate, some to catch upon other cultures, their thoughts, some just for the sake sarcasm and wit etc... Yours was one such reason which is not mentioned above :-)
I find these journals when I read the comments in my friend's journals and if I like the comments then occasionally check their (the people who have commented) journals. That's how I found yours'
Comments 4
I find these journals when I read the comments in my friend's journals and if I like the comments then occasionally check their (the people who have commented) journals. That's how I found yours'
You are right, I currently live in bay-area.
I believe that's your talent that I don't possess :-)
Each of us see the world through our unique experience, and the 'truth' is subjective in most cases.
BTW, the word "deception" is not meant to suggest a negative connotation here but is meant to create a mental-imagery for bootstrapping...
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