Glee "A Night of Neglect" reaction

Apr 19, 2011 22:17

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Comments 20

rm April 20 2011, 02:20:05 UTC
Pretty much all of this. I didn't feel, as I know some people did, that they didn't seem enough like boyfriends here. It read very right to me. It we extrapolate from Kurt's "fingers touching is erotic to me" thing, he's not going to just go walking around holding Blaine's hand, not because he's shy or uptight, but because he's going to be much more turned on by them brushing against each other once in a while.

I think, from the second I laid eyes on Blaine, that's he's needed a chick friend/rival with similar energy to him to put him in his place a bit. Santana is TOTALLY THAT CHICK. He may not be mean like her, but I find their energies very similar, and it sparked on screen for me.


weyrdchic April 20 2011, 02:27:11 UTC
They just felt as natural as they always have with the chemistry, really, and that's more than enough to me. Like they had to plug in so much fighting during BIOTA and Sexy because watching them together if they're not upset with each other, you know that they just ARE.

I would never have expected Blaine to be the spitfire with what we'd seen of him before, I thought much more of it seethed under the surface, though it makes sense as a couple dynamic because usually Kurt's judging is so icy. I wish my headcanon for him didn't change every single episode, but I like what I see anyway. And he and Santana absolutely need to be friends. "You sound like my therapist" made me giggle for like three reasons, one of which is that no therapist would ever tell a client that and another is that Blaine so wishes he could be the world's agony aunt, and Santana needs to be there to tell him "no I am pretty sure I saw that on a poster, Blaine, don't make me dump water all over that hairgel to stop it from going to your brain."


satora_chan April 20 2011, 02:27:04 UTC
I still despise Will/Emma (lol, my reaction to "Wait, so you and Carl never...?"), but I was so happy that Will respected Emma's illness. When he reached for her lunch, I thought he was going to do something like "WELL, LET'S START FIXING YOUR OCD STARTING NOW", and touch her food with bare hands, but then HE DIDN'T and he actually put on the glove and cleaned the grape and I was all ;alskdjf;alsdkf thank you for not being douchey.

oh my gooood, you can see that santana totally thinks herself as being part of the gay community, even though she won't say it aloud yet ("it's more fun together"), and I'm all FEELINGS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT NETWORK MCKINLEY LGB COMMUNITY VS THE WORLD.

I loved how Blaine is so... combative now. It's not, "Hey, let's talk these problematic things out." It's "Fuck you, you're a shitty person, I'm going to physically move into your space threateningly." And Kurt's all "WOAH, TAKE A MINUTE THERE."


weyrdchic April 20 2011, 02:28:59 UTC
It seriously, seriously took me aback, how combative he was, considering what a direct contrast it is to everything we've seen and everything he's ever said about himself. But I sort of LOVE it. And it makes sense if this has been building up in him for a while now, if this is something he just needs to do. "We could have handled it" was a little ungrateful but if Glee is remembering his backstory, he's spent so long wishing he could do JUST THAT, so I'd buy that he's taking every chance he gets now.


satora_chan April 20 2011, 02:36:52 UTC
lol, in hindsight, my favorite reaction during these scenes was how i immediately thought, "I love how Claire's/seaouryou's anti-bullying Blaine characterization is kind of SPOT ON." That fic universe will be the end of me.

I think the glimpse we get of Kurt and Blaine during Tina's solo says a lot about how they both handle bullying. Blaine's staring in shock at the hecklers, and Kurt just... ignores them and pays attention to Tina. Okay, actually, every scene showed the Blaine-Kurt/bullying dynamic.

oh my god, so pissed Tina's solo got cut. THAT LOOKED LIKE A REALLY AWESOME PERFORMANCE, OKAY.


weyrdchic April 20 2011, 02:39:07 UTC
seaouryou's Blaine and everything she ever writes, ESPECIALLY that fic, completely destroys me. If that Blaine is the actual Blaine, I will die the happiest of women.


galaxygirl76 April 20 2011, 02:35:12 UTC


Of course it won't be rushed, you silly. There is an extra half an hour next week :p

not holding out much hope about it not being rushed or getting a damn good explanation


wordplay April 20 2011, 02:41:17 UTC
So my headcanon for sassy!Blaine has to do with having Kurt next to him, and it's not about protecting or whatever, but there are just some people who are just more grounded when they're partnered, who feel more free to let their shit out and not keep it so controlled. Hello, Blaine Anderson.

*adjusts tin hat*

I'm not even thinking about how they'll do the transfer. I just can't even - there's no way I'll be happy with it, so better to just roll over and accept it without too much thought. This is also the only way I'm getting over the rich, thick irony of the writers of Glee lecturing the internet about how important sensitivity is.


weyrdchic April 20 2011, 02:45:10 UTC
No, not just the writers of Glee. I could tolerate it from Brad, maybe.


As dead on and actually well-written as that scene was, tho.

"Being in love suits Blaine," though, to quote some fabulous meta, I accept your hat of tin. It is not nearly as tinny or hatty as some of the other ones out there.


titacats April 20 2011, 02:54:29 UTC
I loved Blaine through this whole ep. Noticing how wistful Kurt is after running into Artie/Brittany, then being a little spitfire with Karofsky. Santana was made of awesome and yes, I think in a way it is her way of letting them know she has their back because she is part of the community, "it's more fun together." ♥ So much there that I want explored.

I also love that couple moment when Kurt steers Blaine past Sandy, lol Blaine I love you and your standing up for Kurt's friends. You are adorable.

Also Mike was the man. He stood up for his friends, TO his friends which is incredibly difficult to do at times. I love him and his dancing was just amazing.


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