It is closely followed by a more familiar voice going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" and running past her with...body parts attached. A hand on her shoulder, clenching in tightly, a head chewing on her thigh, the front half of a head chewing on her back, more body-parts crawling after her, and a small horde of shambling, oozing, melting, rotting undead following.
Some things just weren't easy to process when tired. Like zombies. Zombies really did defy the natural order of things! So when Dezzi ran past, for a minute, Hinata was kind of sure that the girl had lost an arm...
...then the rest of the body parts sunk in. "DEZZI?!" that made a few turn toward Hinata. Oops. "S-stay back!" obviously they were very, very sick.
"What?!" she had no idea what was going on! No idea or at all! But 'walking dead' was kind of an important thing to know. "DEAD?!" well, at least she didn't need to warn them anymore?
"Are you okay?!" she called out, setting her feet and pulling on her chakra.
Comments 103
...then the rest of the body parts sunk in. "DEZZI?!" that made a few turn toward Hinata. Oops. "S-stay back!" obviously they were very, very sick.
"Are you okay?!" she called out, setting her feet and pulling on her chakra.
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