Give Me Your Heart And Your Soul [thirteen]

Nov 21, 2010 16:13

Title: Give Me Your Heart And Your Soul [13/??]
Author: wesaysummerrr
Rating: pg-13/R
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/ Jack Barakat
POV: Third
Summary: Alex gets forced into art classes over the summer . . . but is this a bad thing?
Disclaimer: I don't in any way own these guys. In no way is this true, and unless they both decided to take spontaneous art classes it’s all lies. Title belongs to Muse - Hysteria. Cut belongs to Aiden - One Love.
Author Notes: Wow, college work is crazy. Sorry guys. So this is working out that I post a chapter of this each week. Sort of. Is that too spaced out? Or do you guys want me to update more? Just let me know:)

previous chapters here.

The sheets were soft on Jack’s skin as the completeness of sleep continued to slip between his fingers. Stretching lazily he brought his hands above his head and groaned as his back popped; the warming rays of the sun warmed his face, as they streamed through the thin curtains.

Bringing a hand to shield his eyes as they adjusted, he rolled over onto his side and met something that obstructed his bed. Someone, should he say. A smile stretched his mouth as he took in the messy brown haired person that lay spread eagled over most of the mattress, mouth slack as his chest rose and fell in slow breaths.

The morning sun caressed his slightly dimpled cheeks as his eyes flickered underneath his closed eyelids, dreaming of something. Jack smiled wider, leaning over the other boy and saw how relaxed his expression was, how the almost constant frown that wrinkled his newly turned nineteen year old forehead had vanished, the skin beautifully smooth. It worried Jack how what Alex was having to go through was changing him. Sure, he’d only known him for a number of months, but he felt like Alex had always been there, a part of his life. The other boy felt like the second half of his heart.

Everyone that knew Alex had noticed the changes as they progressed, his behaviour altering as his confidence sunk below what it always had been. He didn’t walk with a purpose anymore, it was more like he was collapsing into himself to try and defend himself against anything that could cause him harm. Jack hated it. The pain that he felt in his chest as he saw a slight frown crease the space between Alex’s eyebrows in his sleep only exaggerated his point. Something had to change. And fast.


Alex could hear someone shuffling around him, the careful noises that were attempted to be kept silent rustled in his ears. He squeezed his eyes closed tighter, desperately clinging onto the fragments of sleep that seemed like sand particles running through his fingers.

Groaning silently when waking up was inevitable, he lifted a hand and rubbed his face groggily, eyes encrusted with sleep and fighting to adjust to the light in the room. Glancing around in a daze, he saw that he was lying flat on his back with the sheets twisted around his legs, naked torso on full display to everything with eyes. But really, he didn’t mind. Because the only person that was in the bedroom other than him, was Jack. And he thought that they’d gone far enough to be able to handle nakedness.

A contented smile tugged one side of his mouth up as he heard the toilet flush from down the hall, and felt the warm butterflies in his stomach at what happened last night. The party had been what he needed, a chance to spend some serious time with his best friends, and try to forget everything that could bring him down on his birthday. He was now nineteen for fuck’s sake. He shouldn’t be having to deal with things like that right now. Zack and Rian must have been properly hanging this morning, considering the vast quantities of alcohol that they managed to sink.

And then there was Jack. Blood rushed to colour his cheeks at the intimacy of last night, and his stomach tied itself in knots at just how happy he felt. He couldn’t believe that he had finally found someone that wanted him. He’d never felt wanted before, and if the tingling in his fingers and toes and the foolish grin was what it felt like, he could get used to it. Soft footsteps dragged him back into his surroundings and he heard the whisper of the door over the bristles of the carpet as it was pushed open, and the face that he’d been waiting to see since he had woken up peeked through the gap hesitantly. Dark chocolate eyes catching the sunlight and glittering as they landed on Alex. Who chuckled gently and patted the space next to him, beckoning with his first finger slyly.

“Morning, you lazy shit,” Jack chirped as he closed the space between them in swift steps and practically jumped onto the bed, consequently losing his balance and falling onto Alex, the heat and friction of their skin only adding to the warmth provided by the sun. Jack picked his face up off the mattress he adjusted himself so that he could support his weight with his elbows, angling his face so that his nose tucked into the crook between the other’s neck and jaw line. He pressed his lips to the skin there, nipping gently with his teeth afterward and leaving a blossom of faint pink.

“Fuck you,” Alex murmured into Jack’s hair, smiling as his fingers teased the black strands. Taking several and looking at them fondly, something clicked in his memory. “So, you remember what you said last night?”

Jack’s chest rose and fell ontop of his as he laughed once, features twisted up into a devilish smile. “Aside from the sexy groans?” He looked up at Alex through his eyelashes, flashing him a sluggish wink and laughing louder when Alex blushed a deeper red.

“Yes, Jack, apart from your especially whoreish moans. Can you remember what else? About your hair?” Alex prompted, raising his eyebrows slightly for effect. Jack frowned, shifting himself so that he straddled Alex’s waist, forcing him to lay down underneath him. After a moment of thought his face lit up, eyes widening as he smiled perfectly.

“That I was gonna dye it black.” Taking a clump of his blonde fringe in his fingers he twisted it so that he could stare up at it, his nose wrinkling slightly. “I think I will, don’t you?”

Alex pouted, jutting his bottom lip out and hoping to make his expression as sorrowful as possible. “I like the blonde.” He was deliberately teasing, because, really Jack could pull of anything and still look amazing. Alex just wanted to give off the impression that he wasn't a massive push over.

He shivered at the fingers that were suddenly clasped to his side, the trailing fingertips setting his nerves jangling as they ran across the sensitive skin over his ribs. He didn’t want Jack to discover how susceptible he was to tickling, he would never be able to hear the end of it. Or be able to say no again. Biting the inside of his mouth to stop from squirming away from Jack’s fingers, he had to swallow the sigh of relief as they moved to the base of his spine, Alex having lifted himself up onto his elbows, forcing Jack to lean back a little in return.

“What, can I do to convince you?” Jack breathed, tilting his head and leaning forward, catching Alex’s bottom lip in between his teeth and pulling gently. Jack’s fingers trailed over the skin in the curve of his spine, and moved himself closer to the boy between his thighs. Alex’s head tilted back ever so, eyes slipping closed as Jack connected their lips, smiling into the contact as one of Alex’s hands fisted into his hair, fingers gripping tightly and tugging sharply, lifting Jack’s head so that Alex could run his tongue along his lip suggestively. Jack yielded, lips parting and moaning softly as Alex’s tongue swirled in his mouth, swiping over the roof of his mouth and along his teeth.

Jack shifted one of his hands up the other’s body, feeling the warm skin on his fingertips that was smoother than silk and more addictive than any kind of drug. He felt each of Alex’s ribs as his breathing hitched in his throat, varying the pressure of the kiss and his teeth grazed Jack’s lips. Jack moved his hand higher, skimming the collar bone that he felt the urge to bite. Detaching his mouth for Alex’s he planted a row of kisses along his white jaw line and down his neck, before brushing his lips over the collar bone that stuck out prominently, begging for a rose petal of blood and teeth marks. So he complied.

And to be honest, the sultry moan that Alex let out when his teeth did bite into his flesh turned Jack on even more. It was hot, being able to work Alex up like this. As if on que, Alex mumbled something that was distorted by the heaving of his chest and stomach, the word light and breathy.

“Jack…problem.” Alex huffed in his ear, his lips brushing over the skin and igniting all sorts of feelings. He noticed a certain hardness in his boxers, the thin fabric tenting slightly as he got Alex riled up. It’s not like he hadn’t noticed it beforehand, and his own growing problem that needed attention, but the bastard that he was, he wanted Alex to point it out. He couldn’t help but extract every exquisite detail from the expression on his boyfriends face as his hand worked its way down to his lower stomach, before pausing and bringing his forehead up to Alex’s, pressing his nose against the other’s.

“Will this convince you?” He smiled a little, mainly at the glimmer in the dark eyes that stared him down.


“Which one of these fuckers am I suppsed to buy!” Jack exclaimed, face screwed up into utter confusion and holding two boxes of hair dye in either hand, staring at each one alternately. His eyebrows slowly worked their way further and further up his forehead.

Alex only laughed and leant agaisnt the pillar that was at the end of the aisle, the four rows of hair colourants squashed between toothcare and men’s hygiene. He watched in adoration as Jack mouthed the name of the hair colour, bemused, stooped to chuck it back amongst the numerous other boxes and pick up another, only to repeat the process a short fifteen seconds later. A smile tugged his lips, and he cast his eyes about the supermarket as Jack attempted to decifer exactly how many different shades of black were available to him.

That was when he saw him.

Sucking in a breath in shock, he scrambled to throw himself behind the pillar, arms flailing as he tripped over his loose shoelace.
“Fuck,” he breathed, leaning against the cold cement pillar as fear clenched in his stomach. He couldn’t do anything here, surely. It was too public. Even he wouldn’t dare risk that; he regarded his precious ‘reputation’ too highly.

Leaning out as much as he dared, Alex placed a slightly trembling hand on the edge of the pillar to keep himself steady. Peering out over the edge, he saw the figure walking along one of the aisle opposite to the one that Jack and he were in, shopping cart slowly filling up with items that he didn’t need yet had enough money to waste on. Alex’s mouth filled with a bitter hate, rage coating his tongue as his features darkened. How could he act so nonchalantly, knowing full well what he was putting Alex through.

He had to bite his lip to stop from screaming aloud in fury and running over to the man and flooring him, so hard that he drew blood. Of course, the attempt at self redemption would be wasted, because Alex knew only too well how strong the man was.

He refused to give him the name father.

As far as Alex was concerned, his father had forfitted the title even before he laid a finger on him. His body trembled as waves of anger overtook him, and clouded his vision with red edges. He watched the man walk away down the main body of the supermarket before he dared to breathe, fearful that he would hear with his insanely sensitive hearing - with which he had used to pick up on the barely audible click of the dead bolt on the front of the door as Alex had tried to pull it back soundlessly, in the very early hours of the morning. He couldn’t ever escape from him, no matter what he tried.

“Hey, I think I’m done. But I swear that if this goes wrong I’ll -”

“Shush!” Alex hissed furiously, throwing a hand out and clapping it to Jack’s face. He missed the first time because he didn’t dare take his eyes off the figure retreating out of sight, his hand connecting with Jack’s jaw line violently and causing a “the fuck!” from Jack as he stumbled backwards. Alex snapped his head for a second, just enough time to grab the material of Jack’s shirt and drag him behind the pillar where he was standing, the other hand crushing his index finger to his lips desperately.

“Alex, what -” Jack began, but was cut off. Without words, Alex simply indicated that Jack look around the edge of the pillar and down the length of the supermarket. He watched the darker’s reaction as he continued to hide behind the pillar, breathing fast and clenching his fists. Never before had he felt so murderous and frustratingly helpless; the vulnerabilty twisting in his stomach only fuelled the anger that flowed in his veins and trembled in every inch of his body.

If he could do something, now would be the only time that he felt brave enough to. Fuck the fact that it was in broad view of everyone in the supermarket. And fuck the liklihood of being locked for mental instability. But it would be fruitless; only earning him another beating when he eventually went home. Because he had to at some point - even if it was to stock up on clean clothes and food, he would have to go home eventually. Something that he was dreading.

For the last couple of weeks he had been living with Jack, going to college and then returning to Jack’s house. His parents had long ago accepted that they were involved, and to be honest he wished that he could have had parents like Jack’s. It pained him to think what a mess his life was. There was not one think that he was proud of; nothing that he had done that he could place his hand on his heart and say that he was happy about. Nothing. Of course, he hadn’t done anything to find Jack. Instead, Jack had found him when he needed someone the most, saving him by throwing him a rope to cling onto when the darkness seemed so inviting. The warm contact of Jack’s hand in his was an excruciatingly simple act, but it was one that pulled at his heartstrings and reminded him that there was someone that needed him. Even if Alex depended on him so much more than Jack did him. The butterflies that erupted in his stomach every time they kissed was what he lived for, what kept him going when things started to weigh him down.

A sudden movement to his right jerked him back to the supermarket, and the fierce expression on Jack’s face as ducked out from behind the pillar and started striding toward Alex’s father.

“Jack!” Alex exclaimed, refraing the wild scream of shock that wanted to tear from his throat. Jack couldn’t go anywhere near him; he would be destroyed. Darting out Alex lunged for Jack’s arm, hissing at him all the while. “What the fuck are you doing?” Grabbing his arm he yanked him backwards, pulling him behind the pillar and pressed him up against the cold cement with his body.

“Alex, that man is ruining your life. You can just fucking let him!” Jack growled from behind his teeth, his eyes were dark from the size of his pupils, the darkness blazing with anger. It took Alex by surprise, how angry Jack was. The few inches that seperated their height suddenly made Alex feel about 3 inches from the ground, and the expression that his boyfriend’s features were set into, it frightened him. There was so much, anger, pain and injustice.

It was then that he realised just how much Jack did care for him. The feeling that filled his gut was something that he’d never felt before; it was the normal butterflies but intensified, it was hope that gushed into veins and warmed his body, disbelief flooded into his mind and cried out that he didn’t deserve this man, and love stretched his heart until it gave in and ballooned in his chest. If a dozen or so people hadn’t been raising their eyebrows and casting looks that shrieked ‘inappropriate’, he would have crushed his lips to Jack’s, right there, right then.

But, now was not the time. Jack’s words floated around in Alex’s ears as he switched between staring into Jack’s eyes and leaning back to make sure that the figure he wanted to run wasn’t walking towards them.

"There's better ways of doing something about it, other than jumping him in a supermarket."

Alex breathed out shakily, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Suddenly realising just how much he was pressing Jack into the pillar, he pulled an apologetic expression and stepped backwards, keeping a hand on Jack’s arm to make sure that he didn’t sprint off and do something stupid.

Jack frowned. “You don’t have to keep a leash on me, Lex.” His eyes dropped to the hand gripping tightly on his forearm, knuckles white from stress. Alex only continued to walk Jack to the check outs, laughing softly as his eyes darted from one side to the other, his head bobbing awkwardly.

“Just making sure you don’t do something I’ll regret.” He lengthened his stride to eat up the floor, desperate to get out of this place and as far away as possible. Or just to retreat to the haven that was Jack’s house.

At least he would be okay there.


“Are you fucking sure it’s meant to go this colour?!” Jack yelled, inspecting his head in the mirror, that was covered in the black hair dye that was all over Alex’s hands.

Alex discarded the clear plastic gloves and picked up the box that sat on the side, skirting the shirtless Jack that was frowning at himself in the middle of the bathroom.

“Chill the fuck out, Jack. The box says “Deep Black” so you’re fine, dude. It probably just goes a different colour when you put it on.” Alex placed the box back onto the side and turned to see Jack making faces at himself in the mirror and turning his head to try and get a better look. Alex laughed, a warmth trickling into his fingers and toes as he caught Jack off guard.

He stepped next to the other and slung his arms around his neck and rested his chin on his shoulder. Alex looked up at Jack through his eyelashes, smiling at the gentle smile that graced his features as he angled his head to glance at the boy hanging from him. He snapped his head back up almost immediately though, and scraped at his chin with both hands.

“I’m not gonna look at you, because at that angle I look like I have fifty other chins down there,” he laughed and pouted mockingly at himself in the mirror, having held back the skin on his chin which consequently stretched his lips and distorted his features. “My, don’t you just have a shit attractive boyfriend?”

Alex barked out a laugh and took Jack’s hands away from his face and grasped onto one of them tightly, before stretching up and pressing his lips to Jack’s cheek. “Firstly, shut the fuck up, if you’re fat then I’m fucking obese.” He rested his head on Jack’s shoulder once more, looking at both of them in the mirror, with Jack’s hair slicked down with the weight of the hair dye, and Alex’s face spattered with the same black colourant. He didn’t even want to think about what the walls looked like.

“And second,” Alex paused, smiling at their intertwined hands. “You’re beautiful.”


Zack strummed anxiously on his guitar, only needing a few minutes to warm up before they went on, if that. Everyone else looked as nervous as he felt. This was a big gig. Rian perched on a chair and ran through some of his drum patterns with his hands, eyes closed as he memorised the rhythm and timing of each beat. Alex could be heard singing softly from down the hall, and appeared no less than five seconds later, a hand on the scarf that was wrapped around his throat to keep it warm. Jack lounged on the sofa the opposite end of the room, picking away at the strings in an even rhythm as he carefully ensured that his guitar was correctly tuned.

Peeking out from behind the small flight of stairs that they had to climb to get onto the stage, Zack refrained a quiet squeak of barely concealed excitement as he saw the arrival of who they had been speculating on whether they would turn up or not. Apparently they had.

“Fuck, shit, guys,” Zack gushed, running back over to the centre of the room. “They’re here.”

Jack swore loudly to himself, his fingers slipping on the strings and causing a strangled sound to whine out into the atmosphere. Rian grinned as he continued to practice, an elated glimmer in his eyes. Alex just went very pale, and very quiet.

“Really?” The word was meek, born from someone expecting rejection and yet vaguely hopeful. Zack glanced over to Alex, whose skin had taken on a pale green hue. He looked sick with nerves.

“Yeah, I just saw them sit down. Not too close, but they’re definitely gonna be watching our set.”

Alex swallowed, bringing the bottle of water up to his lips and chugging down several mouthfuls. “Fuck,” he sighed as he screwed the bottle back on. The atmosphere was excited, nervous and almost unbearably anticipant. This gig, tonight, was an opportunity to make it in the world of music. If they caught the eye of the only person in the crowd that mattered, then that could be the beginning of something that seemed larger than life.

Because there was a scout in the crowd, someone that worked for a music record label and attended several gigs per year to look out for new talent. And this one had arrived in one of the shows that they’d managed to secure a place in beforehand. Everything seemed right. The electricty that zinged in each of the friends fingers as they waited was more intense than ever, encircling them in an ambition that could make their names.

As the palpable excitement grew in the space between them until none thought they could take it, a voice sounded from the doors, and a member of staff with a clipboard and earpiece called their names.

“All Time Low, you’re on next.” The man looked at them with raised eyebrows, waiting for confirmation that they were the indicated band. Each of the members nodded and shifted from nervous energy, the butterflies that buffeted Alex’s stomach making him uncomfortably queasy.

He stood, and held out his arms to initiate a group huddle. It had become a sort of ritual, each feeling even more attached to the other as they focused on what this meant and how they could get all they wanted.

“Shit fellas, this is a big one,” Alex paused, before holding his hands up in the air and yelling, “Let’s give them a performance they won’t fucking forget.” Jack glanced over to him, his newly black hair enhancing his features and transforming him into someone more mature.

Mature. Upon first impressions, that is. Then he opened his mouth. “It’ll rock so hard they’re mums will feel it.” The laughter sounded shaky in the darkened room that could be their break.

And with that, they pumped themselves up and climbed the four or so steps onto the stage, and allowed the bright lights and screams of opportunity to consume them.


rating: r, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered fic: gmyhays

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