Give Me Your Heart And Your Soul [twelve]

Nov 08, 2010 00:01

Title: Give Me Your Heart And Your Soul (12/??)
Author: wesaysummerrr 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
POV: Third
Summary: Alex gets forced into art classes over the summer . . . but is this a bad thing?
Disclaimer: I don't in any way own these guys. In no way is this true, and unless they both decided to take spontaneous art classes it’s all lies. Title belongs to Muse - Hysteria. Cut belongs to You Me At Six - Tigers and Sharks.
Author Notes: sorry that this update took so long, college work has got crazy. So I sat up till some stupid time in the morning trying to update this, because I just needed to post something to keep you guys interested. And if I’m being honest, I missed Alex and Jack a hell of a lot :)

previous chapters here.

This was it. Alex’s birthday. The sun shone lazily over the patch of grass on which he sat, ripping blades of grass down to the spine absently, brown eyes locked into the distance as the sunlight highlighted his features and defined them. His hoody billowed slightly in the breeze, his hair twitching and jumping underneath the beanie that covered his head. So much for a happy birthday. He couldn’t remember the last time that he’d been so miserable on the day that was meant to be the one day all about him. The one day that nothing else mattered but the fact that it was an excuse to get completely shitfaced and no one could say otherwise.

But he stared out to the horizon, determination flickered in the brown eyes that caught the sun. He wished that he could be someone else, just for one day at least. He didn’t want to have to worry all the time whether something will happen to make him feel even worse, he didn’t want to have to live in fear. All he wanted was to be carefree.

Then a slight frown pulled his eyebrows together, and he dropped the blade of grass that he was shredding. Unfurling his legs, he stood up and brushed his jeans down, adjusting his hat. He could do something about it. Despite the fact that he’d told his head teacher, he needed to take action himself. Pulling his hoody closer around himself, he turned on his heels and walked from the area, mouth set into a hard line.


Slipping into the bright red phone box, Alex took a shaky breath and punched hastily at the numbers, running his hand through his hair, nerves tingling in every fibre of his body. The familiar voice sounded on the other line - familiar from the numerous times that he had bottled out and slammed the phone down as soon as someone had picked up, too scared to take the leap of faith - and he swallowed past the lump in his throat.

It was now or never. This couldn’t go on.


“Happy Birthday, man!” A dark figure shouted, darting toward him and pouncing on his slim frame and tackling him to the floor. Alex spluttered, going from standing up to flat on the floor in less than a second after he stepped into Jack’s house. The figure that he realised to be Jack lay on top of him, arms and legs tangled as he tried to lift himself from the floor, his stomach and throat vibrating against Alex as he laughed.

“Thanks Jack, but get off me bro, I can’t breathe,” Alex huffed, and he felt several parts of his body begin to ache as bruises bloomed from hitting the wooden flooring. Jack chuckled and lifted himself off of Alex, bottom lip jutting out into an adorable pout that Alex sighed and stretched up to nip gently, tongue swiping over the sensitive skin, soothing where his teeth had just bit down. He opened his briefly closed eyes to see that Jack’s were still shut, a goofy grin playing across his face as he shifted himself so that he was straddling Alex’s waist, hands resting on his hips as he leant forward to brush his lips against the other’s again, the soft contact sweet and tender. And when Alex hummed into the kiss slightly, his hand reaching up to catch his fingers in the hair at the back of Jack’s head, he deepened the kiss, mouths working together slowly, perfectly. He smiled against the other’s lips as Alex’s tongue flicked out and connected with Jack’s, the sensation sending warmth tingling up his spine, as flawless fingers trailed over the skin underneath his top slowly. Jack lifted a hand to grip Alex’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, biting down on his lip slowly and pulling back, smiling as he noticed the faint cold draft that raised goose-bumps on his skin.

“I think we should close the door before we make out properly.” He grinned at the incoherent confusion on the boy’s face before it clicked a moment later and his head whipped round to stare outside, body jerking underneath Jack as he realised that the front door was wide open. His eyes widened and he brought his hands from resting on the skin of Jack’s back and shoved him off roughly, scrambling up and slamming the door shut.

He turned back around, laughing softly, a faint blush on his cheeks and his eyes were warm. “How many people do you reckon were subjected to our passionate embrace?” He joked, running a hand through his hair and quirking an eyebrow at Jack, who was still lying on the floor, hair mussed up from Alex’s roaming hands. He choked out a laugh before picking himself up.

“They should be grateful, it’s enough to get jelly hard.” Alex shoved him again, before smiling and wrapping his arms around Jack’s skinny waist, pressing their stomachs together and touching his nose to the other’s.

“Thank you, Jack. For everything.” He pulled back and stared hard into the chocolate brown eyes that had first looked into his what seemed like years ago. The same wedge of faded blonde hair partially fell over those eyes, before it was swung out of the way by a practised flick. A smile pulled at his lips, exposing white, sparkling teeth as his eyes crinkled slightly.

Nothing needed to be said in response, because there were no words that could sum up the gratitude or the happiness between them, a bubble of ecstasy that had thickened its skin to the sharpness of the world around it. The only thing that Jack needed to do was to brush his fingertips gently across the arch of Alex’s cheekbones and bring his head down to connect their lips together briefly. A gentle brush of skin, comforting and supportive.


“Alright, alright, I’ll make a fucking speech.” Alex slurred, eyes drooping closed as he staggered to his feet. He clung onto the bottle in his right hand tightly to stop it falling from his fingers. He didn’t trust anyone enough to leave it one the table for more than a moment and still expect to find it full.

Three ill-fittingly enthusiastic cheers filled the small room that they were in, beer cans, bottles and plastic glasses littering the floor. Alex teetered slightly as he stood, throwing out an arm to steady himself. Lifting his bottle into the air, he smiled as the room blurred.

“You guys, are the best bunch of ass-holes I think I’ve ever met,” he paused, “and I wouldn’t trade any of you for shit.” Downing the last of the wine in his bottle, he bowed sloppily and sat back down. But he misjudged the edge of the sofa and toppled onto the floor, limbs flailing as his head connected with the edge of the table. The alcohol clouding his head and swimming in his veins dulled the blow, and instead of feeling any pain he simply laughed it off, giggling uncontrollably in a heap on the carpet. Surrounded by the remnants of emptied alcohol cans and the three friends that didn’t help him up, but instead launched themselves onto him, yelling “BUNDLE!”

“Oh. Fuck!” Alex cried as Jack elbowed him in the ribs, Rian and Zack crushing him as they struggled to get up, drunken curses and muffled exclamations of pain drifting to Alex’s ears as he hummed contentedly, grabbing Jack’s hand which hauled him upright, oblivious to everything but the fact that this was his day.

“Rian you prick, you could’ve crushed him,” Jack giggled, lifting another beer can to his lips and taking a long draught. Rian frowned, playfully pushing Jack as he drank, his arm jerking suddenly and slopping the honey coloured liquid onto his black shirt.

“Dick.” Jack stated, grimacing and squinting around to try and find a tissue.

Rian just shrugged and let his mouth turn downwards, before pointing to the box of tissues over the other side of the room. “There’s tissues there,” he slurred, “but I’m sure that Alex would like to lick it off instead.”

Jack stumbled off and grabbed a tissue, saying something that sounded like, “nah, that’s later,” whilst Alex’s head twitched round to focus on Rian and he laughed.

“Of course, he’s hot.” His words rushed out together and his tongue grappled with individual letters so it probably sounded more like “ofcourshehe’sshot.”

Jack giggled from where he stood, before flinging the tissue away somewhere and staggering back over to where they all sat and fell to the floor in a heap, having attempted to bend down and snag his beer can. Through the heavy breathing and general bliss that was being completely and utterly wasted, they managed to compose themselves enough to listen to what Jack was trying to say.

“You know, I think I might ditch the blonde,” he contemplated, going cross eyed as his fingers threaded through the characteristic blonde wedge in his fringe. Alex gasped, hiccuping as he swivelled to stare at Jack with wide, intoxicated eyes.

“W-Why? I like it,” he pouted, trying unsuccessfully to weaken how Jack had evidently made up his mind. Seeing no hint of him re-thinking, Alex put down his bottle of wine and smirked lazily, letting himself slide onto the carpeted floor and moved over to where Jack was as best as he could, in his current state. Ignoring how the room span sickeningly, he pushed roughly against Jack’s shoulders and locked one of his hands into Jack’s fingers, twining them together whilst the other fondled with his fringe, smirk pulling at his lips.

“Don’t change it, Jack-o,” he whined, leaning over Jack and pressing himself onto the other boy, who groaned under his weight, despite the fact that Alex was just as slim as he was.

“Ugh, Alex, move your fat ass before you break my ribs!” Jack moaned, rolling himself over onto his side, taking Alex with him. Alex ended up with his face mushed into the carpet and his legs sticking up in the air, the hand that was entwined in Jack’s crushed underneath the boy’s torso and his spare hand was caught in the crook of Jack’s elbow.

“Jack! Fucking move, douchebag!” Alex yelled, his voice muffled as it escaped from the carpet. He swung his legs dangerously, attempting to wriggle free and release his face. Jack laughed, the movement of his stomach travelling through Alex’s body, and the other only rolled backwards even more, pressing Alex’s face harder into the carpet - until Alex’ s foot connected with his lower stomach, that is.

“Fuck!” Jack yelled, above Alex’s shouts and exclamations for Jack to move his fucking ass because he couldn’t breathe. Jack rolled forwards onto his stomach, grabbed both of Alex’s ankles and forcefully swung him off him, laughing and curling in on himself, like a child that had got away with doing something he shouldn’t. Just because he could.

“Fucking douche,” Alex muttered, words leaving his mouth loosely as the alcohol saturating his mind forced him to totter on his feet slightly, eyes lidded and a lazy smile on his lips. The sound of singing suddenly reached his ears, but it sounded like it was coming from another room. Running a hand through his now dishevelled hair, Alex staggered over to the doorway and slid round it, using his hand to swing himself around the corner like he was on an amusement ride or something, childish laughter bubbling in his throat, the scent of wine heavy on his breath.

He found the source of the noise.

Zack was standing on the kitchen table, the large counter in the middle of the cream coloured room littered with bottles and debris from the party. Well, he said standing; what he had meant was dancing. And singing. Well…shouting out of tune. His eyes were hazy, arms and legs flailing as he threw himself around in time to the music that soon became a background noise as Rian joined in. He’d found the type of hat that belonged in 1980’s mexican movies and was swinging his head enthusiastically so the small corks hanging from the hat flew around him. It took a moment for Alex to recognise the song, but when he did it only widened the smile that perched itself on his lips.

“…been to the year three thousand, not much has changed but they live underwater…and you’re great, great, great grand-daughter, is pretty fine…”

Zack yelled at the top of his voice, kicking over a plastic cup that was thankfully empty, the words that were painfully out of tune slurred and were interrupted with outbursts of giggles. He held out a hand and helped Rian onto the solid table unsteadily, toppling backwards a step before he regained balance and launched into a haphazard dance routine once more.

Rian spun round and saw Alex, before a sloppy smile showed off his ludicrously white teeth and his glazed eyes brightened. “Alex, come up here man, it’s FUCKING BUSTED!” He yelled, holding up his glass as though making a speech and said, “Busted, here’s to you,” before downing the rest of whatever had been in the glass.

Shaking his head, Alex held out a trembling hand in a motion that said no. Besides, he enjoyed watching drunk people, especially when none of them would remember a thing in the morning. But then, someone seemed to have other ideas.

A pair of hands were wrapping themselves around his waist, a pair of bony hips pressing into the curve of Alex’s spine. He tried to bite back the involuntary, soft moan that whispered from his lips as a mouth worked on the skin at his neck, teeth biting down hard before a wet tongue swiped across the area, igniting a hundred different sensations in Alex’s body. He snaked a hand up to press the lips down harder onto his skin, biting his own as they sucked and swirled at the delicate skin, a rose petal of blood rushing to the surface to mark ownership for days.

“Someone’s eager,” Alex commented, feeling one of the hands he knew to be Jack’s sliding up underneath his shirt and rubbing circles onto his hip bone, pressing down hard, trying to elicit a moan from Alex. Which wasn’t going to be hard. But Alex wasn’t about to complain, he was more than ready to comply should Jack want more. Maybe it was the alcohol that clouded his mind that suddenly loosened him up, but his confidence grew with each second that passed as Jack moved around to his collar bone, teeth biting down sharply and then swiping his tongue across the bone, looking up into Alex’s eyes through his lashes.

Which was hot, Alex thought, feeling his hands lift to press on Jack’s shoulders until he was pressed up against the wall. Then they started roaming underneath the thin fabric of his shirt, feeling the warm, smooth skin on his fingertips and leaning forward to unlock Jack’s lips from his neck and crush them together. Hot breath spilled over Alex’s face as Jack sighed into the rough kiss, both needy and desperate, and yet wanting to savour the heat that flooded through them.

But suddenly Alex needed more, he needed to feel that Jack wanted him all the way. He needed to be reassured that this wasn’t just some fling that he was serious about, when Jack wasn’t. His hands crept a little lower, fingers grabbing the elastic of the other’s boxers before they slid past the line, palms pressed up against the hipbones that protruded slightly. Alex moaned, feeling Jack’s tongue work itself into his mouth and slide across the roof of his mouth, flicking out and catching on his teeth as their mouths moulded together in harmony, Alex’s head tilting back as he felt Jack’s hips roll gently into his own, the friction sending blood rushing to below his waistline.

“Alex, get into the bedroom,” Jack breathed, hands angling the boy’s skinny hips so that he walked him backwards down the hallway and away from the noise in the kitchen, Zack and Rian still singing loudly, the loud clatter of careless feet knocking over bottles and cans. There would be hell to clear up in the morning.

But right now, all Alex could think about was how hot Jack was underneath him, how his lips pressed against his own and the fire that scalded his belly. He wanted this. It was Jack.

Jack kept the contact between them strong as he walked Alex through the doorway into the darkened room, and only paused to swing the door closed, allowing it to thump shut. He didn’t care if the others guessed what they were doing. They knew their relationship, and neither couldn’t care less at the moment; with alcohol spurring their actions and a weird confidence moving Jack’s hands to roam over Alex’s chest freely, raising goose bumps.

“You gon’ fuck me?” Alex breathed suggestively, smiling a little at his own question and tightening his grip in Jack’s hair. The other laughed softly, before pressing his lips harder onto Alex’s.

“Well, it is a special occasion, being your birthday and all.” Alex nodded slowly, detached as Jack’s hands pressed against his hips.

“Alex,” Jack huffed, the smell of alcohol washing over Alex’s face as he fisted his hands into his brown hair, tugging his head back to access his neck as Alex worked his jeans off. The buckle presented a challenge to his nervous, fumbling fingers, but it soon yielded and Alex ripped the jeans from Jack’s legs, throwing them to the other side of the room.

“Now you can’t get them back,” he breathed against Jack’s neck, feeling the hands work his own jeans and shirt off as Alex tugged Jack’s shirt off over his head a moment later, the contact of skin making him hum as their naked chests pressed together, hands gripping and snatching to press them closer. Jack choked out a laugh, it was a little breathless.

“Who says I want them back?”

Alex smiled into the kiss, bringing his hand to grip Jack’s chin so that he could deepen the kiss, swirling his tongue desperately into the others mouth. Jack whined shamelessly, fingers scraping at Alex’s back until they sunk lower and eased the edge of his boxers down, pausing to rest on Alex’s ass and squeeze, causing Alex’s eyes to slip close and his head tilted back at the suggestive contact. His hips rutted upward, catching Jack off guard and had him gasping at the friction between his cock and Alex’s, only the thin layer of fabric between their hardness. Jack was suddenly panting, his hands slipping below Alex’s boxers with a new found drive.

Alex couldn’t help but groan aloud as Jack’s fingers wrapped around his length, squeezing slow and tight as they slid down to the head, his thumb flicking over the slit, achingly slowly. Alex moaned and shuddered into Jack, pressing himself harder into his grasp and biting down forcefully onto his collar bone, before licking the skin and leaving a bloom of red skin. His fingers worked themselves into Jack’s hair, trying not to grind his hips too much into Jack’s hand, as the other’s fingers sent sensations triggering pleasure in Alex’s brain and making forming coherent sentences a near impossibility. He was painfully hard now, his length screaming for more attention. He could feel Jack’s problem against his stomach, the friction tightening the knot in his stomach.

“Jack…I - I want,” His breath came in short pants, whining under his breath as Jack slowly jerked him off, increasing the tension in his stomach that cried out for more. More contact, more friction, more heat. He sucked in a deep breath, unlatching his mouth from working on Jack’s neck and pulling away sloppily, ignoring how 95 per cent of him whined not to. Because it felt so good. The other caught onto what he was suggesting, moaning as Alex’s cock brushed up against his own, hips snapping upward as his hands slid along the slight sheen of sweat on their bodies.

He locked his lips onto Alex’s and withdrew his hand from underneath the boy’s boxers, walking him backwards and tugging the thin material from around his waist. Alex’s hands had already slipped off Jack’s boxers, and were clamped around his hips, pressing their extremities closer together to ease the burning need for contact. Alex groaned, feeling the alcohol sizzle in his veins as his back connected with the mattress, body arching to find Jack. He held back a groan as he connected with Jack’s stomach, his back lifting clean off the bed as his hands grabbed.

“Fuck, Jack,” he complained, “I - I need,” but Jack was already there. Alex heard the faint sound of wrapping being torn open with teeth, and the anticipatory sound of latex. He groaned, desperate and whoreish. But he really didn’t care, nothing else felt more right than right this very second. He wanted Jack, and wanted him now.

His breathing picked up again as Jack’s weight came down on him, hands working slowly down his body, lips kissing and teeth biting until he massaged Alex’s inner thigh, the boy writing and moaning underneath him.

Jack curled down and kissed his lower stomach gently, looking up at Alex through his lashes. “You, sure you w - want this?” Alex’s hands rested on the others hips, pressing a kiss to his hot lips before answering.

“You’re want I want.”

Jack smiling lazily, hand creeping down from Alex’s thigh and pausing at his entrance, before slowly pushing in, easing the tight muscles as Alex gasped a little at the initial pain. But that was soon overridden with pleasure. Jack held still inside Alex for a moment, allowing the other to adjust, before a soft grunt and twitch of his body told Jack to move. He did so slowly, pulling out to push back in, beginning to work up a steady rhythm as Alex groaned perfectly underneath him and his back arched, hips grinding down needily.

“More,” he croaked, and his eyes slipped closed as Jack pushed a second digit in, curling his fingers slightly and scissoring inside him to loosen him up. The burn, stretch, burn was lost amongst the alcohol Alex’s mind, and the intense pleasure that had him muttering obscenities under his breath and breathing fast and shallow. Jack’s lips crushed themselves to Alex’s before he pulled out slowly; and Alex had to refrain from whining at the brief loss of contact.

But only a moment later, after the short pop of a bottle opening, he swore a loud as he felt Jack’s cock push into him. His hands flew up to grab the dark, sweaty head that had buried itself into the crook between Alex’s shoulders and neck, fingers tightening around the damp strands as his back arched and Jack pulled out slowly, the burning sensation giving way as his muscles clenched in shock and pleasure, his head tilting backwards because he just didn’t know what to do with himself. Jack worked up a rhythm inside him, and Alex’s hips jerked upward, begging for more, for Jack to let himself go a little with his thrusts.

“Shit, Jack…harder,” he gasped, wrapping his leg around Jack’s waist and pushing himself down harder, encouraging Jack to do the same. A moan vibrated in his throat as Jack maintained a faster rhythm, pushing in deeper and altering the angle of his hips slightly. He caught Alex’s sweet spot, brushing gently against the bundle of nerves inside of him.

That had Alex screaming. His hands clawed desperately at Jack’s spine, nails digging in and keeping Jack there, each of his thrusts catching his prostate nearly every time.

“Holy fuck, Jack,” he groaned, feeling the coil in his lower stomach drawing back, tightening and heating up as he fumbled and wrapped a hand sloppily around his dick, whining through the kisses as he came closer and closer to the edge. Jack moaned into his mouth, swirling his tongue around Alex’s mouth and rubbing circles into his hip bones as his deep thrusts became more hurried and messy, both of them nearing the release.

Alex’s back arched and he groaned Jack’s name over and over, whilst Jack muttered numerous expletives concerning Alex’s tightness and how fucking close he was. Alex tightened his fingers on his own dick, jerking himself off hard and fast, desperate to get off. The coil tightened further in his stomach, building until he thought he couldn’t take the pleasure, nor the heat anymore. And a moment later, with a rush of heat and a surge of energy that forced Jack’s name and slurred words from his lips, he cried aloud as his back lifted off the sweaty sheets and he released into his hand, riding out his orgasm as his eyes squeezed shut from the intensity of the pleasure. Jack swore and pulled out sloppily from Alex, coming over the other’s stomach as he groaned incoherently into the other’s skin.

Jack leaned back slowly and wiped them both clean with a tissue that he threw into the wastepaper bin beside the bed, before he crawled back over to the other boy, who was lying back on the sheets, eyes closed and a smile on his face. His hand reached out to brush Jack’s face clumsily, glazed eyes fluttering open briefly as a wave of exhaustation overcame him.

“It should be my birthday more often.” Jack laughed and lay next to him, entwining himself in amongst the boy he loved and the sheets that smelt of heat and sex, feeling the hum that reverberated in Alex’s throat.

“I’d like that.”


A/N: okay, so this is the first ~sex scene that i've actually written. So it probably burned your eyes with how appalling it was, but I'd still like to know what you guys thought?

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered fic: gmyhays, rating: nc-17

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