Thoughts on the archetypes...

Jun 10, 2011 19:04

I was relaxing last night with a new/old friend
when I started trying to make sense of what it is
that binds us. We're like day and night - to casual
appearance we are totally dissimiliar yet when we're
here and all those pesky humans are elsewhere we
are relaxed. My friend has a history of troubles,
I've had my moments of being totally out of control
too. I recounted the story of my mugging 3 years
ago and as I mentioned that goadawful roar that came
out of me as I tried chasing down my attackers I realised
what makes us what we are. We're both berserkers.
Lots of people talk of the beast as something different
or unique. We simply are the beast. We wear a mask
but the beast is always there and never goes away.
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