The pack discussed the problem for a while and decided to grab one of the folks from downstairs, pull him into the Hisil (which required finding a locus, but hold that thought) and seeing what would happen then. Wise Lost told them of two loci in the museum. One was very small and stuck in a storeroom, the other was downstairs on the main floor but guarded by a spirit of incalculable age. Wise Lost said that this spirit, like Wise Lost, was magath, but only because it had been around so long that there were no more of its type to eat. Phil and Scylla sort of blanced, while Reese said, "Oh, now I want to see it." More on this later.
So they grabbed a guy from downstairs and dragged him to the small locus. They were followed by another guy, but Scylla noticed him just in time - he was standing in the storage room (you know, with all the specimen jars with formaldehyde) holding a lighter. Phil grabbed him and pulled him across the Gauntlet. In the spirit world, he had no face. Phil, in a rare moment of pique, changed to Gauru and bit his head off. He noticed after the guy died that a fine red mist rose up from his body. Phil grabbed the spiritual representative of one of the jars and trapped some of it, but left it there in the Shadow.
Phil noted that the building was covered in the same red film on the outside (he opened a window). Scylla went downstairs to try and see if anything was happened, and while she was in the crowd five people just started beating on her (a tip: Bashing damage is no problem unless you're surrounded and taking five attacks per turn). To her credit, she didn't shapeshift, and once Reese heard her screams he drove the attackers back. Problem was, by that time she'd been injured but started to regenerate, and people were telling stories anew.
The pack went back upstairs and dragged the other guy across (bound, gagged and blindfolded) and saw the slight reddish tinge on his skin, but he still had a face, anyway. They pulled him back across and took him to the security room. Reese's idea was that they would just wait it out. Wise Lost popped into the monitors there and agreed to help erase them from the security footage if they'd help the museum to remain strong, spiritually speaking (the pack also realized that a knowledge spirit is a nice ally to have, so they were nice to him). Wise Lost told them that it could see the reddish tinge on people, and that it had stopped spreading, picked up when Reese lost it (last session), stopped, and then picked up again after Scylla's fight. It seems that once it stops, it needs an event to make it contagious again. Wise Lost used a Numen to show them a glimpse of the future; if they just let everything sit, the people who had jumped Scylla were going to kill and eat someone.
Backed into a corner, the pack started smashing windows, forcing the Virus to expend energy to maintain its barrier. Finally, it gave up, the police entered...and the Virus started to spread again. The pack stepped sideways to flee, but Reese just had to see that spirit. They went downstairs, Zeke walked out into the main room (using his Stealth Gifts, which is what saved his ass) and felt something walk behind him. He didn't turn around to see it, but the scent triggered something in his lizard brain that told him "superior predator at hand."
Reese, unfortunately, had no way to mask his scent. All he saw was a flash of teeth and something picked him up and shook him like
a lawyer. Scylla actually saw the creature, but the player made her Resolve + Composure roll so Scylla maintained sanity. The creature flung Reese back, the pack fled and got the hell out.
They called the Harmony pack, who basically said, "Ummm...that's new." (About the Virus; they didn't have much to say about the predator magath.) The pack later learned that Mr. Mysterious was responsible for bringing the book into the country, but had no idea what it would do, he just wanted it translated. They also learned, from Wise Lost, that there's a tribe of werewolves that specialize in disease, both physical and spiritual. They're called the Izidakh - the Fire-Touched.
But that's the end of this story. The Virus is loose in Philly. Who knows what it will do when it gets more powerful? Next story, we're adding a packmate.