Frequently Asked Questions

May 07, 2010 19:02

This post is your one stop shop for all the information you'll need. Please read the answers carefully before asking an additional question in the comments. If you need to contact the mods privately you can email them at

The Basics

What is a big bang?
A big bang is a fic challenge based around long fics usually around 10,000 or 20,000 words or more. Artists and mixers then sign up for the fics based on anonymous summaries and it's all posted in a staggered posting schedule.

How do I sign up?
Individual sign up posts will be posted for writers, artists and mixers.

What fandoms are allowed?
This challenge is open to all fandoms! Large or small your fandom is welcome here. If you would like to write about Starsky getting bitten by a werewolf and his struggle to keep that from Hutch, you are more than welcome to! Crossovers are allowed, RPS is allowed. The only requirement is that the fic MUST revolve around werewolves in some way shape or form.

You are welcome to interpret the werewolf mythology in any way you wish for your story, as long as it does not stray too far from the popular mythology. Werewolves that change only during the full moon, or can change at will, or only during times of emotional stress, etc, are all welcome interpretations of the werewolf legend.

Can I write a big bang about another form of animal shifter?
This challenge is specifically for the werewolf legend and mythology. We will also allow fics about persons who shift into wolves but are not necessarily tied to the traditional werewolf legend. While there are obviously many other legends about other shifters and many other animals to shift into, this is specifically for wolves.

The focus of your story should be focused around werewolves or someone who shifts into wolf form. If you have further questions about what would qualify, please ask in the comments or send an email to the mods and we'll let you know if it will fit within our guidelines.

For Authors

Can I write gen?
Absolutely! This challenge is open to gen, slash, femmslash, het, threesomes, moresomes etc.

What is the required length?
Stories must be a minimum of 10,000 words and there is no maximum.

Can I signup twice or co-write a fic?
You can definitely sign up for writing two stories as long as you are sure you can complete both. You may also cowrite a fic.

Can I use a fic I've already started?
Yes, as long as the story is not fully complete and has not been appeared anywhere online (either in part or in full) you may use it in this challenge. If you have a specific example or question regarding this you can ask in the comments or by sending us an email describing your issue and we'll be able to give you an answer.

What should my rough draft look like?
Your rough draft should be at least 9,000 words or 90% done. It should have a clear beginning, middle and end. This way your artist and mixer can have a full story to work with in order to create art or mix. It does not however need to be the completed fic.

How should I submit my rough draft?
Email your rough draft in a .doc format to It may take a little while for us to email you back, but we will email you with a confirmation once we've processed your information.

What should I include in my header when I submit my rough draft?
Your header must include the following, in this format:
Title: (If you have decided on one)
Warnings: Other warnings are up to you, but please note that warning for rape, dub-con, incest, graphic self-harm/suicide and character death is absolutely mandatory.
Summary: The summary you submit with your rough draft is NOT your final summary. It is the summary you use to try and entice mixers and artists to want to read your story. Make it as long or as detailed as you want, but make it hook your audience in. This summary will go up on the claiming post for mixers and artists only.

Title: Under the Full Moon
Pairing (if applicable): Frank/Gerard
Fandom: My Chemical Romance, Bandom
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Frank gets turned into a werewolf.

Please see How do I post my fic? for a master post format.

What should I warn for?
Other warnings are up to you, but please note that warning for rape, dub-con, incest, graphic self-harm/suicide and character death is absolutely mandatory. If you are unsure of what to warn for or have a question regarding a specific part of your fic please feel free to ask the mods via email or by comment. Please err on the side of caution when warning.

If you feel warning may spoil part of your fic you can place the warnings behind blacked out or whited out text using the following code:


How do I post my fic?
You may post your fic on either your own personal journal, your writing journal or a personal website. The journal MUST be unlocked but can be at InsaneJournal, Dreamwidth, Livejournal or JournalFen and your website must be publicly accessible. Then it should be posted to the community using our master post format as posted below. Please note that you must also post your art and mixes and link to those as well as indicated in the master post format.

Below is the master post format that you can use to post your fic. This will be posted again closer to the posting date as well.

Word Count:
Notes (if applicable):

Art Post by
Mix Post by

Your subject line should be formatted like the following: Title, Pairing, Fandom, Rating.
Example: Under The Full Moon, Frank/Gerard, My Chemical Romance (Bandom), R

For Artists and Mixers

Can I sign up for mixing and art multiple times?
You may claim additional summaries once you have turned in your first round of art or mixing. We want to make sure your first author gets your work! After you have turned that in and have recieved a confirmation from the mods you may go ahead and claim again.

A fic has already been claimed, can I still claim it?
We want to make sure every fic gets an artist attached to it so if a fic is already claimed, please choose another one. Once every fic has been claimed at least one time, double claiming will open and you may claim the newly available fic.

What are the requirements for art?
Art can be a drawing, a cover, a manipulation, a wallpaper, a vid, a combination of all these and anything in between. It can be based on a particular scene in the story or representative of the overall story.

What are the requirements for mixing?
A mix should be a minimum of 8 songs and there is no maximum. Your zip file also MUST include a .txt tracklisting. Additional things such as a cover/back and detailed explanation of songs are encouraged but not required.

How do I upload my mix?
You should upload your .zip of all the songs and the tracklist to a hosting service such as Megaupload, Mediafire, or Sendspace. The link should then be sent to the mods. You may also upload your individual tracks IN ADDITION TO your uploaded .zip.

I'm available for pinch hitting, how do I let the mods know?
In the event that we need a pinch hitter for art or mixing a post will go up requesting pinch hitters. Comments will be screened and summaries/fics will be sent out via email instead of by claiming on a public post. This keeps everything anonymous.

If you have any questions, feel free to either comment here or email the mods at

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