Round One Ficathon Dates

Jan 25, 2013 02:38

Every functioning ficathon works on a timeline, and the Werewolf in Love Ficathon is no different. So here's the official list of dates, for the 2013 ficathon.

Sign-Ups Open: January 27, 2013
Sign-Ups Close: February 20, 2013
Check in: April 1
Call for Betas/Deadline Warning: April 15
Posting Date: May 1

These look like some bizarre, oddly specific dates, so here's a bit of explanation.

The ficathon opens on January 27, 2013, because that's the 15th anniversary of the BtVS episode "Phases," when Willow and Oz officially became a couple and from which the title of the ficathon is derived. Aside from that, the ficathon is just operating in increments of one month (i.e. approximately one month to sign up, between check in and posting date), because that's just simple and easy and gives people between two and three months to write their story. The sign-ups were originally going to close February 15th, but it got pushed back five days at the mod's discretion, due to RL schedule conflicts.

Additionally, if you are ready to post your story before May 1, you can post as early as April 15 or any date after that. Posting guidelines will be posted around the 15th, to clear up any potential questions.

That should clear up most questions about the bizarre scheduling of the ficathon, but if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to contact the mod tiny_white_hats  

dates, round one: 2013, !mod post

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