[fic] Choppers | 9

Jun 30, 2005 19:23

Title: Choppers 9/?
Author: girl_starfish
Rating: Definitely PG-13 for vague smut.
Notes: Thanks to mikkeneko and jamjar for audiencing and offering advice, and everyone following this fic -- you've all been really lovely with comments and encouragement. Thanks heaps ( Read more... )

fic, au, kon, tim, sci-fi, bernard, ot3, choppers, bart

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Comments 9

floridapeaches June 30 2005, 17:43:36 UTC

Also, maybe they should have christened the ship "Love Boat." *grin*

Tim and Bart cuddle-sleeping? So. Damn. Cute. And poor Kon, not even knowing what it is he's trying to live up to, but still working so hard to live up to it. *hugs the boys*

And Bart cutting his own hair. *glee* I keep flashing back to the issues of Impulse when he shaved his head, because he liked the way the wind felt on it when he ran. God I love Bart.


girl_starfish June 30 2005, 23:25:41 UTC
Yeah, I had those Impulse issues in mind as well. ^_^ Glad you enjoyed!


cyanei June 30 2005, 18:24:41 UTC


errantimpulses July 1 2005, 01:02:35 UTC
I want to cuddle your Bart, and think everyone in the story should do so. a lot. EEE SO CUTE.


errantimpulses July 1 2005, 05:39:33 UTC
Eee, I read this again, and I'm soooo worried Bart's going to get hurt. ::bites nails::


minervasolo July 1 2005, 12:14:41 UTC
AaawwwwWWWwwwWWW!! Cuddles and snuddles and sex! Woo!


ever_faithful July 1 2005, 17:45:26 UTC
You know , I have pretty much adored this whole story and this chapter is no exception. I think that Kon, Tim and Bart should just marry ewach other. Thats legal in space right ? ;)


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