[fic] Choppers | 5

Jun 22, 2005 17:42

Title: Choppers 5/?
Author: girl_starfish
Rating: Definitely PG-13, perhaps higher for suggestive goings on.
Notes: Huge thanks to onthecontrary for beta-duties, and mikkeneko for general encouragement and wonderfulness. You both rock!

Asteroids and then some. )

fic, au, kon, tim, sci-fi, bernard, ot3, choppers, bart

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Comments 17

chameleongirl79 June 22 2005, 09:14:22 UTC


girl_starfish June 23 2005, 00:06:46 UTC
Have I mentioned that your icon is way cute? Where is it from?


chameleongirl79 June 23 2005, 01:40:15 UTC
I don't know the exact source, but it was made by cosmicastaway.
if you wanna know more, go bug her about it, she won't mind :) (It's gankable by the way)


cyanei June 22 2005, 09:41:48 UTC
EEEEEEEEEE. I'm so glad you're as prolific a writer as you are. I WANT TO LICK YOUR BRAAAAAAAAAIN.

So pretty!


girl_starfish June 23 2005, 00:05:54 UTC
Between this comment and foggynite's icon, I'm going to be in a zombie-ish mood all day. Cheers!


navisx June 22 2005, 09:50:09 UTC
The OT3 rules supreme!

Naked Shower Action is always good...


girl_starfish June 23 2005, 00:07:24 UTC
Can't disagree with that. ^_^

*admires icon* Oh, Wally!


navisx June 23 2005, 03:06:48 UTC
I torrented the episode as soon as it hit the net, and while I was watching it for the first time I hit that scene and went ICONAGE. after I finished watching I took about 5 shots of that sequence and made my icon. :D


minervasolo June 22 2005, 10:19:46 UTC
OT3 love and Star Wars referneces. ::dies:: So much in love with this fic right now.


girl_starfish June 23 2005, 00:07:42 UTC
^_^ Glad to hear it!


jamjar June 22 2005, 11:02:12 UTC
You did the shower scene! I'm so happy you went with it.

I do love Bart in this scene. My Konlove is as pure as ever, but Bart is just so... mmm.


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