[fic] Choppers |4

Jun 21, 2005 18:12

Title: Choppers 4/?
Author: girl_starfish
Rating: PG / PG 13 ish.
Notes: Thanks to mikkeneko and jamjar for putting up with my attention whoring. Much love!

Just because we can breach lightspeed, doesn't mean we should. )

fic, au, kon, tim, sci-fi, bernard, ot3, choppers, bart

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Comments 8

chameleongirl79 June 21 2005, 11:09:19 UTC

This totally rocks!!


minervasolo June 21 2005, 11:11:26 UTC
I find myself hoping this ends in one big orgy. Bart hitting on Tim was incredibly hot, and I love the way Tim is desperately trying to convince himself he doesn't actually want to sleep with Kon. Yet. And Bart so distracted he's forgetting to eat ^_^ Aww.

All so hot and sweet, like a good sticky toffee pudding, but without the instantaneous teeth-rotting sensation. Definitely looking forwards to more.


jamjar June 21 2005, 12:42:27 UTC
Once again, I am impressed with the speed you typed this up.

And also, easgerly awaiting space pirates.


navisx June 21 2005, 12:43:20 UTC
Awww Bart Cuteness. :D

I loved what he uses sorta-seduction of tim for...beyond what really should be the obvious for him.

“Hot alien sex?” Tim asked, Kon laughed. “For me, that’s almost a given,”
LMAO that was an awesome line.


floridapeaches June 21 2005, 15:30:07 UTC
I need Bernard in this icon, and then it would be perfect.

I love, love, love the way you can make me believe your AUs. Everyone is so very much themselves, just in a different situation.

There's no way I could quote all my favorite lines from this, there are far too many, but yeah, the whole bit with Kon and Bart going out without cables? *love*

Also, your super-speedy updating makes me insanely happy. Really.


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