Recs needed!

Jul 22, 2011 13:33

So my almost-ten-year-old Prince Brat wants to read some HP fanfiction. Which presents a problem for me that's really quite embarrassing... I don't know of any non-smuterific HP fanfiction! I know plenty of genfic for Star Wars fandom, but can't name a single child-friendly HP fanfic ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

rillalicious July 22 2011, 18:16:32 UTC
Eldest hellmonkey says she only reads Tonks/Charlie fanfic (ahahaha! Is she my kid, or what?), but she'd be happy to send along some links if she comes across something she thinks is good. She reads on mostly and is deeply creeped out by overly romantic stuff. Let me see what I've got too. I've read a lot more gen in recent years.

And take your time! It's not due till Monday! <3


rillalicious July 23 2011, 12:29:40 UTC
Thinking about it some more last night, AO3 lets you do some really specific searches. Like, you can search for a general audience rating, gen fic, and specific characters/pairings/crossovers, etc. If you don't have a link handy:


wendynat July 24 2011, 23:14:47 UTC
Oooo thanks!!


wendynat July 24 2011, 23:12:54 UTC
I just finished it a couple of hours ago - loved it! Let me know if there were any problems with the way I handled the googledocs... it was my first time :)


sabrebabe July 22 2011, 18:42:19 UTC
Okay, let's try this again (I hit the wrong button and erased everything ( ... )


wendynat July 24 2011, 23:13:08 UTC


Fic recs for a ten year old telosphilos July 22 2011, 18:54:42 UTC
Midnight by the Weasley Watch » by excessivelyperky reviews ( ... )


Re: Fic recs for a ten year old wendynat July 24 2011, 23:13:53 UTC
These are great, thanks! I think he'll really like the Weasley Watch one! I really appreciate you taking the time to gather all these links :)


alienor77310 July 22 2011, 19:52:42 UTC
iulia_linnea set up to post recs for gen fanfic for her 8-y.o. niece. That should be a good starting place :-)


wendynat July 24 2011, 23:14:04 UTC
Very cool - thank you!!


teshara July 22 2011, 21:31:11 UTC
omg is he really that old now? o.O

I'd go to , do a search for HP on their lowest rating, then reverse the dates so the oldest fics come up first. It's easier to pick them out that way by looking at their review count. (And older fics tend to be canon-ish.)


wendynat July 24 2011, 23:14:28 UTC
Good idea - will do that!

LOL, I know it - I can't believe he's almost ten, either


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