Lewis fic: Act of Contrition 1/2

Sep 16, 2012 00:42

Story: Act of Contrition
Author: wendymr
Characters: Robbie Lewis, James Hathaway, Jean Innocent
Rated:  PG (gen)
Summary: After lying to his Inspector, James feels the need to pay penance.

Post-ep what-if to LIfe Born of Fire. With thanks, as always, to the stellar lindenharp for BRing.

Chapter 1: Apology )

hurt/comfort, james hathaway, lewis, fic, jean innocent, robbie lewis

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Comments 16

xfdryad September 16 2012, 04:56:58 UTC
Y'know, it's funny, but whenever I read your dialogue for Hathaway it's Laurence Fox's voice I hear. And that is no mean feat.

I enjoyed that, can't wait for the next installment!


wendymr September 19 2012, 01:31:41 UTC
That's a huge compliment - wow! Thank you so much!

Second chapter coming as soon as I can get it coded :)


enednoviel September 16 2012, 05:49:30 UTC
I would have loved to see this in the episode, well done. Looking forward to reading the next part!


wendymr September 19 2012, 01:32:58 UTC
Thank you! I would have liked to see more of the fallout and making up as well, yes - but then I suppose it leaves us plenty of scope for fanfic!


enednoviel September 19 2012, 08:31:32 UTC
Very true! :)


aliaseverus September 16 2012, 09:40:25 UTC
I'm so sad for Hathaway!


wendymr September 19 2012, 01:34:37 UTC
Aww! But he's a survivor - and Robbie's not going to let him go that easily :)


barcardivodka September 16 2012, 10:55:36 UTC
Just amazing, so looking forward to next part :D


wendymr September 19 2012, 01:34:53 UTC
Thank you very much!


pinigir September 16 2012, 19:48:55 UTC
Loved this! Loved Lewis and Hathaway being stubborn in their own way. Look forward to reading more! :-)


wendymr September 19 2012, 01:35:25 UTC
They are both very stubborn, yes - but someone's got to give way :) Thank you!


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