Auction Fic: Bananas Are Good

Nov 15, 2010 20:55

Story: Bananas Are Good
Author: wmr / wendymr 
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, a banana
Rated: G
Summary: Bananas are good?

Written for katherine_b in grateful appreciation of her participation as a member of Wiggie's Posse in the last Support Stacie auction. So sorry that it's taken me so long to write your fic! With many thanks to fordark_aegis for BRing.

And you hear it again... Bananas Are Good (even if I don't like them myself!) )

ninth doctor, humour, rose tyler, fic

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Comments 11

amberfocus November 16 2010, 03:32:07 UTC
What a sweet, funny fic. Although I now have images in my head of Rose purposely shrinking the Doctor's jumpers so they fit tightly on him! *grins*


maniacalshen November 16 2010, 04:11:26 UTC
She’ll forget to put sugar in his tea. She could accidentally put his jumpers in the hot wash - oh, yeah, shrunken they’ll look even better on him. And top of the list: hide that bloody screwdriver.

I suddenly hope Rose did all of those things to the Doctor at some point! Lol.


clannadlvr November 16 2010, 05:02:41 UTC
Hee! Well, that certainly explains the love of bananas! Very entertaining. :)


othermewriter November 16 2010, 06:37:49 UTC


yamx November 16 2010, 08:49:30 UTC
Bananas are awesome! I just have one with yoghurt, in fact! Too bad the poor monster got only half a one before it fell down and hurt itself... :(

;) Very cute!


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