Help Haiti Fic: Seeing Face To Face

Mar 12, 2010 22:07

Story: Seeing Face To Face
Author: wmr/ wendymr 
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Jack Harkness (Pete's World)
Universe:  Through A Glass Darkly
Rated: PG13
Summary: It's time. He has to go and see the lad

Written for yamx in return for a very generous donation to disaster relief in Haiti as a result of the help_haiti community fundraising efforts. I'm so sorry that it's ( Read more... )

hurt/comfort, jack harkness, ninth doctor, tagd-verse, fic

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Comments 23

canaana March 13 2010, 22:04:36 UTC
Sad and sweet. I love seeing more in this 'verse, with its hints of things to come. I especially like the two of them circling each other warily, each one afraid to need the other, for fear of the reaction that will draw. There something strong and dark and satisfying about it, like dark chocolate.


wendymr March 16 2010, 03:35:19 UTC
I'm so glad you're enjoying more of this verse, as it looks like there'll be more to come! Blame honorh. Or yamx. At any rate, I seem to have acquired an ongoing series for the first time ever. Oh, dear.

Anyway, I'm delighted that the atmosphere and the tentativeness of their relationship-building here works for you. Thank you!


yamx March 13 2010, 22:28:08 UTC
This is beautiful, and, knowing what's coming, bittersweet. I love the obvious affection between them, and the way they both feel so insecure for their own reasons, but each manage to read and reassure the other.

and this:
“Yeah.” The Doctor leans closer, presses a kiss to Jack’s lips and gives him a smile, warm and affectionate. It changes his face completely, lighting up those sharp blue-grey eyes and giving him an almost goofy look. Gorgeous, though. So different from his previous face, yet he already loves this new one. “An’ I’m not gonna dump you, by the way. Certainly not for that.” Another kiss. “Thank you.”

It’s the closest the Doctor’s ever going to come to any kind of declaration of affection in return, he knows. But it’s enough. More than enough.




wendymr March 16 2010, 03:46:53 UTC
Phew! I don't know if you realise how relieved I was that you liked this! Yes, it couldn't help but be bittersweet, because I didn't think I could avoid foreshadowing Jack's future. And I'd already set up that insecurity on the Doctor's part in the original story - which I suspect is why you wanted this written ;) I'm so glad it worked for you.

Again, thank you very much for your donation!


yamx March 16 2010, 09:29:26 UTC
Why would I not have liked it? This is my favorite of your 'verses! :)


wendymr March 17 2010, 03:23:40 UTC
And that makes me very happy indeed :)


ana_rpm March 13 2010, 23:50:46 UTC
Hi. I've been reading your stories for a while, but this is the first time I've commented. First of all I'd like to say I love them all and have re-read many of them frequently. "Broken Threads" makes me cry every time in some parts; it's one of my all-time favorite Who fics. :) I don't know how you can write so many wonderful stories in such a short time. And, of course, I'm very glad that you do. :)

This one was very sweet. I loved their insecurities and how they end up reassuring each other of how they feel. And the bit with the insults was, as people have said, great foreshadowing. I've just re-read "Through a Glass Darkly", so it packed quite a punch. I felt really sorry for what Jack going to have to go through in this 'verse's future. I hope there'll be more of this.

Anyway, thank you so much for writing!


wendymr March 16 2010, 03:52:05 UTC
Thank you! You made my day on Saturday when I read this. I'm delighted that you enjoy my stories, and in particular Broken Threads; it's one I do quite like myself. I was trying to make things better for the Doctor and Jack post-VotD and post-Jack finding Grey again... of course, I had no idea when I wrote it that the writers would make things so very much worse in canon!

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed this too, and that you picked up on all the nuances and foreshadowing for TAGD. Yes, there will be more in this universe, thanks to certain people I replied to up-thread. I'm actually working on the next story right now.

Again, thank you so very much! :)


ana_rpm March 16 2010, 16:38:22 UTC
I'm glad to hear there will be more (thanks for the little teaser up-thread). And thanks so much for the virtual gift. It's lovely. :)

Broken Threads is just brilliant. I think I've read it some 8 times or so. Another one I really love is Journey Onwards. I've read that one about 6 times. ;) Thanks again for writing!


wendymr March 17 2010, 03:25:26 UTC
And again you're making me blush! Thank you :) I'll try not to keep you - and everyone else - waiting too long for Faith and Hope.

And also thanks for your kind words about Journey Onwards - you're a real Doctor/Jack fan, aren't you? You should, if you haven't already, check out yamx's Deal-verse, which you'll find linked on her LJ.


firefly124 March 14 2010, 11:38:16 UTC
This is gorgeous. I love this 'verse and am so glad to see more of it, even - or perhaps especially - with the blokes getting their signals completely crossed and having to sort themselves and each other out like this.


wendymr March 16 2010, 03:48:55 UTC
Thank you! I'm thrilled that you like this universe so much. I think I'll be writing more in it ;)


scifiangel September 5 2010, 22:54:15 UTC
Beautiful. I'm really enjoying reading your TaGD!verse. On to the next one.


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