What's In An Acronym?

Mar 04, 2010 22:07

A MANPAD by any other name would smell as sweet...

A bit of link-hopping from an article about Topeka's name-change for the month of March led me to this page of unfortunate - and completely true - acronyms. One of my favourites has to be Man Portable Air Defense Systems - the aforementioned MANPADS - but several others also had me giggling ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

roxyk630 March 5 2010, 06:41:57 UTC
XD;;; Hysterical that it's MY state that chooses to do that. *crosses fingers that it benefits the state* We've got a rather low choice of networks... it would really be nice. XD;


roxyk630 March 5 2010, 06:42:04 UTC
however odd.


kholly March 5 2010, 14:37:32 UTC
That gave me a really good laugh over my morning tea. Thank you very much. I am ready for the rest of the day now.


wendymr March 5 2010, 23:20:25 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! I was giggling hysterically last night when I read it.


ponygirl72 March 5 2010, 14:44:57 UTC
I must interject, at this point, that I spent Wednesday afternoon in the town of Bland, Missouri, buying a miniature bull for my herd of miniature cows.

While there, we marveled over the pitfalls of naming your business in the town of Bland-- home of the Bland Food Mart and the Bland Abstract Title Company, to name only two. O_o


wendymr March 5 2010, 23:19:58 UTC
O_o indeed! So you eat bland food, do you? *g*


ponygirl72 March 6 2010, 00:41:00 UTC
With all of my various food allergies, you betcha. :-)

But not from the Bland Food Mart. We drove straight past that respected establishment, laughing our fool heads off all the way.


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