Fic: The Beholder's Eye

Jan 21, 2010 22:31

Story: The Beholder's Eye
Author: wmr/  wendymr 
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Jack (Pete's World)
Universe:  Through A Glass Darkly
Rated: G
Summary: The Doctor’s never been so embarrassed in all his life.

Three linked drabbles, written for yamx in return for a donation to the Haitian relief fund. With many thanks to dark_aegis, still the best BR on two legs :)

The Beholder's Eye )

jack harkness, ninth doctor, au, tagd-verse, drabble, fic

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Comments 30

honorh January 22 2010, 09:10:49 UTC
I love how you show the way the Doctor looks at himself--as the wrong half of an ugly/pretty relationship--and then reverse it to show how Jack thinks *he* should be the envy of everyone because of whom he landed. Glad to see more of this 'verse!


wendymr January 26 2010, 03:02:49 UTC
Thank you! That, really, for me was what made this worth writing; otherwise, it would just have been a bit of fluff about Jack ogling the Doctor, which would have bored me a bit ;) The unique thing about this 'verse is that we do have a Jack who's a bit less secure of his attractiveness, because of his history - and it's fun to play with that a little :)


canaana January 22 2010, 11:54:29 UTC
Love the difference in persepctive. :) I'm delighted to see more of this 'verse.


wendymr January 26 2010, 03:03:57 UTC
Thank you! I'm delighted you're happy to see more of this 'verse, and I admit that I could probably be persuaded to write more in it...


yamx January 22 2010, 17:31:19 UTC
*squee* You finished it already?

Awww, this is wonderful! I love how they're both convinced they got the better end of the bargain. :) (And also the fact that they both know that it's not really about looks.)

The shift in perspective is truly brilliant. :)

Thank you!


wendymr January 26 2010, 03:06:06 UTC
Yes, I finished it already! And set it in your favourite 'verse, before the original fic, because you kept dropping hints I thought you'd like that :)

And, as I've said to others, this 'verse is the only one where I could credibly write Jack as insecure of his own attractiveness - because, let's face it, we know he's gorgeous, and in our DW/TW universe he knows it too. In this universe, he's had cause to question it.

I'm thrilled that you're pleased with this!


yamx January 26 2010, 08:56:37 UTC
Yes, he's had cause, but hopefully over time he'll learn that it's not *just cause* because he's gorgeous! :)


kae_nine January 22 2010, 20:03:40 UTC
Aww. Love the two of them together. :)


wendymr January 26 2010, 03:06:26 UTC
Thank you! (And I do too *g*)


kholly January 22 2010, 21:03:52 UTC
You know, I never used to like drabbles. They always felt kind of incomplete. In hindsight I think I was just reading the wrong ones, or the wrong authors I suppose. Because there's absolutely nothing incomplete about this. Your drabbles are always so disciplined and evocative. There's a whole story here and it's very vivid. Of course everyone is staring (I'm with Jack on that), but also of course the Doctor is feeling stared at. Even this "better adjusted" version of Nine.

You and Yamx should keep trading drabbles. I'll never tire of them.


wendymr January 26 2010, 03:14:40 UTC
Wow, that's a huge compliment!

To me, a drabble should be very obviously complete in itself; it needs to tell a story succinctly, with the minimum of padding in the prose, and it needs to have a gut-punch at the end of it (some are more gut-wrenching than others, I admit!). To see a drabble-meister at work, do take a look at dave7's fic masterlist on his fic journal teadis. His drabbles are marked, and they're well worth the read. Dwell, for example, makes me shiver every time I read it.

Thank you again for the lovely compliment :) I'm really glad that you like both the story I've told here and the format I've used to tell it.


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