Fic: The Cold Heaven 1/7?

Aug 30, 2009 20:18

Story: The Cold Heaven
Author: wmr  wendymr 
Characters: Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor (Duplicate), other canon and original characters
Rated: PG13
Disclaimer: I think you all know by now that I don't own them!
Spoilers:  DW: up to Journey's End; TW: up to Children of Earth. Warning: do not read if you haven't seen CoE
Summary: "They say black holes ( Read more... )

hurt/comfort, tenth doctor, jack harkness, darkfic, rose tyler, fic, ot3

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Comments 43

canaana August 31 2009, 01:05:33 UTC
Mmm. Lovely ending--I really like the circle with the notion of impossibility.

The Doctor can't possibly have pegged what's going on, yet--he's not acting guilty enough. *grins* I'll be interested to see how he reacts when he figures it out.


wendymr September 6 2009, 00:36:55 UTC
Thank you! Your comment really, really made me very happy :)

The Doctor... he does and he doesn't. He suspects, but has been hoping that he's wrong. You'll see in the next chapter!


azriona August 31 2009, 01:15:06 UTC
Oh, interesting. Poor Jack...but it makes sense, I think, that'd he'd have tried such a thing. And moreso that if a black hole is going to deposit him anywhere, it might as well deposit him with the Doctor and Rose.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the reunion goes - because Jack, obviously won't expect to see them, and may have the same reaction as the Doctor, "Well, it can't be MY you, you must be a different you."


wendymr September 6 2009, 00:43:09 UTC
I think, after CoE, he'd definitely have been desperate enough to do something like this, yes. And why not have him fall into their universe? ;)

As for the reunion, you might want to think about whether Jack's going to have any idea where he is... ;)

Thank you!


wanda_3rivers August 31 2009, 01:41:34 UTC
Can't wait to read the next chapter


wendymr September 6 2009, 00:46:58 UTC
Coming up within the next hour! Sorry for the delay.


honorh August 31 2009, 02:03:30 UTC
You know, I've been waiting for someone to investigate the "black holes are gateways to another universe" possibility ever since DD, so I'm really glad to see this. One thing, though: the speculation by scientists is that what's sucked into a black hole in one universe comes out in a strange phenomenon known as a white hole in another. White holes are places where matter spews out into the universe from who-knows-where.

Yes, I did thoroughly enjoy the "Space" series on the History Channel, as a matter of fact. Anyway, not saying you should change it or anything, just throwing it out there.

Jack throwing himself into a black hole is completely believable. Running from the Doctor? Even moreso. It'll be interesting to see him interact with Ten II and Rose. Very interesting.


dark_aegis August 31 2009, 02:09:07 UTC
Well, I helped Wendy with the space scenes ;) White holes are one possibility, yeah, but I thought this was another option.


honorh August 31 2009, 03:45:15 UTC
'Tis fine. I'm not a theoretical physicist, merely a geek, so aside from it being a possibly-interesting point, it's probably of no relevance. I shall continue to enjoy the story.


wendymr September 6 2009, 00:54:05 UTC
Thank you! And, yes, it amazes me that the whole black holes as gateways thing hasn't been used before. Though it may have been and neither of us has seen it, I suppose.

And, yes, he was running from the Doctor. :( Combination of fear that the Doctor's going to rip him up one side and down the other for what he did, and equal fear that the Doctor will offer comfort he can't bear to accept.


kholly August 31 2009, 03:39:29 UTC
This is a really interesting path to a reunion. I could definitely see post-COE Jack running from the Doctor and throwing himself into a black hole. He was in that kind of state of mind the last we saw him.

When presented only with impossible choices I wonder how long it will take ech of them to land on the impossible truth.


wendymr September 6 2009, 00:55:25 UTC
Oh, definitely. He was really at an incredibly low point, even despite six months' distance from it all.

The impossible truth may take a little while to dawn on all of them ;) Thank you!


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