padawansguide posted an interesting blog challenge thingie , and I thought I would jump on the bandwagon .. since I'm building a show at the moment, at least I have things to photograph other than Nedward.
Aim of the Game
> For one week you are to post photographs taken during the day. They can be of absolutely anything, just as long as they are shot between the hours of 12am - 12pm of each day.
yeah, did you notice that too? that's half a day. I'm going to say, every time I post a new day starts.
>You must take between 6-8 new photographs each day.
>Your WITL must be CONSECUTIVE. No skipping days.
>You must post your photographs at the end of that day, sometime after the last picture is taken.
>Each photograph must have the time taken beneath and ...
>a title, with no other explanation.
I'm probably going to skip that time part. at least for today, because I forgot about it. Maybe I will put it in tomorrow.
>You must post these rules at your first entry, then link back to it for the other 6 days so people know wtf you're doing.
>Your post must say "A Week in the Life of ((Your name/username)), Volume ((whatever day you're up to.))
I'm going to do mine via an inserted tabblo, because I love tabblo and loading images to LJ is a pain.
So, here we go.
See my Tabblo>