But what honour is there in following the useless mountebank in the White House into the shooting of a few arrows in the air, which fall to earth he cares not where, so long as his worthless conscience is appeased and his worthless supplicants distracted momentarily from his ongoing and incalculable incompetence
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My good doctor.wemyssSeptember 1 2013, 14:09:02 UTC
You are excluding several middles. And options that combine covert with over action. And I repeat: my conclusions are what they are despite Mr Obama's being involved: just as one should have preferred not to have Servia as an ally in 1914 and Stalin in 1941. Most importantly, if one measures the consequences I draw from the vote against, as against all that the Government's motion in fact was to do, my conclusion is irrefutable. In case you have not seen the precise text of that Motion, it is here, in Thursday's Hansard: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmhansrd/chan40.pdf.
I know what Winston, and Archie Sinclair, and Ernie Bevin, and Admiral Keyes, and Geoffrey Mander, shd have done in this sort of vote.
Re: My good doctor.pathology_docSeptember 1 2013, 17:39:40 UTC
I am all too afeared of the Commonwealth once more being a minor partner, committed to stand on the left wing of someone else's Plan XVII.
That whoever pulled the trigger should be made to suffer cannot be doubted, but I state again - whatever we do in this battle that weakens one evil serves only to strengthen and embolden another, and the only course I feel truly moral is one that weakens both. The Commonwealth is dependent upon an ally who, in his one previous major test, proved himself cowardly, mendacious, incompetent and ultimately traitorous to those who pledged their lives to the flag he insults with his Presidency. I would regard the avoidance of war on this occasion as a felix culpa. Unless the job can be done properly, I see very strong reasons for not doing it at all.
And I regard it as infelicitous and culpable.wemyssSeptember 2 2013, 16:51:48 UTC
Look, over the years we've had to join hands with the Frogs to see off the Spanish, with Russia and Prussia to see off Boney, with Russia and France to see off the Kaiser, with the Soviets to see off Little Adolf.... Yes, every victory has meant we have then been forced to settle accounts with our then ally in the next round. But the fights were worth fighting all the same
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Comments 5
I know what Winston, and Archie Sinclair, and Ernie Bevin, and Admiral Keyes, and Geoffrey Mander, shd have done in this sort of vote.
That whoever pulled the trigger should be made to suffer cannot be doubted, but I state again - whatever we do in this battle that weakens one evil serves only to strengthen and embolden another, and the only course I feel truly moral is one that weakens both. The Commonwealth is dependent upon an ally who, in his one previous major test, proved himself cowardly, mendacious, incompetent and ultimately traitorous to those who pledged their lives to the flag he insults with his Presidency. I would regard the avoidance of war on this occasion as a felix culpa. Unless the job can be done properly, I see very strong reasons for not doing it at all.
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