The news, first. The moors were coolish and on occasion dampish, but (or, rather, therefore) lovely. After some period in the butts for driven shooting, my syndics and I, as we always do, devoted ourselves to walk-up shooting over dogs. It was a Glorious Twelfth, all told. I stopped after 36½ brace (not bad for this weather in this year in that
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When editing I try to be honest, and honesty,I am sorry, sometimes is brutal.
Sweet Christ. What impudence. What brass-necked arrogance.
It's remarkable how often an honest insistence upon standards, and thus upon, inter multos alia, honest if brutal editing, is somehow dismissed as 'arrogant' on the part of those upholding standards. It is those who think themselves above, or too important for, or beyond, standards and editing, who are arrogant.
There are occasions upon which BNFs are indistinguishable from the BNP.
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