"Gnome Went A-Courtin'" a Hedgewitch Hat by Linden Sidhe

May 01, 2009 08:52

Up for auction, we have a delightful tiny top hat for the gnomishy inclined!

From the vividly sculpted crimson waxcap to the hand stitched, adorably ragged, earth-hued burlap, this wee hat has been carefully hand made for your wearing pleasure. A comb attached to the inside of the brim keeps it secure on your head while you romp mischieviously through the undergrowth. This little topper is one of a kind, original, wearable art by Linden Sidhe.

The bidding will begin at $35 US. This auction will end on Friday, May 8th, at 11:59pm EST.

Each new bid should be placed as  a "response" to the previous bid on this post, so that we can all keep up.

Payment for auction items should be sent directly to Tess' Paypal account; there is a Pay Pal button on the profile page of this community that you must use to send your payment. I will be providing shipping free of charge.   Once you have paid for your item, please forward me the Pay Pal receipt (you should receive one from Pay Pal in your email) to linden "at" lindensidhe "dot" com so that I will know that you have paid. Thank you so much and happy bidding!

rich earth and fuzzy moss,


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