scholargipsy asked "do you believe, as some aver, that all babies are adorable, or do you think there's such a thing as an ugly baby/toddler? If the latter, how do you pay compliments to a child who has not, as yet, not manifested agency or personality, when it's manifestly unattractive?"
My first thought is literary--a passage from Anne of Avonlea:
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Comments 10
Your answer is a good one, and helpful. I am often at a loss for what to say in these circumstances, and often say nothing.
My answer reminds me of the day I discovered that saying "you look like you were having so much fun up there!" is tantamount to saying "I can't think of anything nice to say about your performance." I was shocked to learn this because I really meant this as a compliment. Part of the reason I do (did?) theatre is the fun of it and I very much admire it when others have fun too. This is the component missing from my answer, by the way--the extent to which compliments are a reflection on the person giving them. But not everyone considers that upon receiving them. Perhaps you should start comparing people's children to literary characters they remind you of. No room for that to be taken badly, right?
Miss you
So good to hear from you. It's been too long. Hugs back.
We get a lot of "Oh my, she's so alert!" From day one, literally. I joked that if we had a word cloud for all the adjectives people have used to describe our baby, "alert" and "aware" would be huge and all the other words would be tiny.
But if you're baby's so alert, people need to be extra careful what they say around her....
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