Secret Santa 2010

Nov 28, 2010 11:48

 Dear Santa,

Thank you so much for everything! If you have any questions/comments, feel free to send them my way.

With lots of love,

secret santa, ooc

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Comments 5

anonymous November 29 2010, 02:39:14 UTC
Hi there! :D Is there anything in particular you're interested in for Temeraire? Particular characters, pairings or gen? Anything specific you'd like to see?


welcome_summer November 29 2010, 03:18:11 UTC
Hi Santa hi~

Let's see... I'd like gen, please! You can focus on a dragon/captain pair, or some of the British dragons together, or Lien...

As for theme... :|a. If you use one that's been in camp, trying to explain something from the future to someone back home? Or, well, I'm a sucker for... fluff? personal moments and the like. Really, I'd adore whatever you come up with, but hopefully this helps!


anonymous December 20 2010, 10:03:54 UTC
I just bought you some paid time <3

Fic is still on the way as well, but it is not quite done yet, so I figured this could happen in the meantime! I should have prose for you in the next day or so.


Part 1/2 (sorry for the delay!) anonymous December 24 2010, 20:46:42 UTC
"Granby! Granby, is it time yet?" Iskierka pipes up for the third or fourth time in the hour.

"Not yet, dearest," Granby says with a sigh, checking the time once again for the sake of it.

Iskierka hunches down again in a sulk, staring at the tarp covering the contraption in the center of the clearing. "I do not see why we should have to wait, the contraption is no good if it cannot work at any time we want it to ( ... )


Part 2/2 anonymous December 24 2010, 20:48:25 UTC

The clearing Perscitia has arranged is a bit crowded. For some reason the last letter she had received from Temeraire had urged secrecy, and while she still saw no reason whatsoever to hide her invention, she hadn't quite expected that she would acquire so many onlookers. Even some of the men in her militia had brought along others to watch, and after some hesitance they squeezed in between the dragon spectators so they could see the device as well.

It made Perscitia a bit nervous; it would work, of course, she had run all the calculations herself and tested the components thoroughly, and it had worked before, on a smaller scale. It was only that the very problem she was attempting to solve made this test unsure, as of course she had not heard back from either Temeraire or Iskierka yet, and could not be certain their versions of the device had reached them at all, much less intact and functional. So she waited for her appointed time a bit warily ( ... )


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