So, National Geographic Channel has taken on the Reality Show Craze, and if TLC has turned into the The Freak Show Channel, well, NGC isn't too far behind. One example: Doomsday Preppers. This is a show wherein average, ordinary folk like you and me, proudly show off their 4-year supply of lentils and dried kidney beans, brag on their shooting/
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Comments 7
As for the Boomers being an entitled generation, isn't that would I said?
Medicare? Hey, you can't mess with that, I didn't make any alternate preparations.
It is a fact that the system can not continue the way it has been, it is broken and HAS to be fixed. Yet this fact has been steadily ignored in favor of "getting what I'm owed". Yeah, fix it, but don't expect me to give up a damn thing in order to make it so."
That would mean they would have to accept they were the ones that broke it in the 70's & 80's when they were pouring money into the program & not many were taking it out. When they chose to borrow it to pay other things instead of keeping their hands off of it, they destroyed the concept of compounding interest & the funds lost money over the long term.
I am saying, "Which is gonna do more good, bitching about who did what and who's fault it is in order to score political points and consolidate more power for your party or shutting the hell up and fixing it?"
This is something that no one seems to be willing to do, or if they are willing to do it, they are demonized by their own party until they tuck their tails in and slink away.
And this is what shames me about our political system right now. People are so willing to just accept the system is broken & and they are so disenfranchised that they believe there is nothing they can do about it.
Though there is no point in pointing fingers at who caused the problem, identifying the problem is very important. I am a firm believer in the concept of "Those who do not know their history is doomed to repeat it." (Even while the general population is loosing their institutional memory faster & faster.)
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