Fic - More to Life

Aug 15, 2009 10:49

Title: More to Life
Author: weesta
Genre: Dark Angel
Characters: Alec/Logan
Word Count: 800

Author's Note: Written in response to prompt at comment_fic - There's more to life than work - but it was too big to fit in the comment. We know how that goes.

Sometimes Logan wondered what quirk of fate landed him here; exactly what karma he was paying off in this lifetime. In the beginning, he had a noble cause and a strong, stunning, if quirky and sometimes hard to deal with girlfriend. Shouldn’t he get some points for being so open-minded about the whole transgenic thing? Shouldn’t THAT count for something?

Gone were the days when Max would randomly arrive with a problem or an offer of help - that he could deal with. Nowadays when an X-5 showed up on his doorstep (or in his kitchen, or on his couch) it was a much less welcome figure. Logan felt like he was the piñata at Karma’s birthday party and Alec was the bat.

On days like this when he had actual work to accomplish, Alec was a little easier to ignore. Logan kept his attention focused on his computer and the papers spread out around his desk. Alec wandered around for a bit - into the bedroom, into the kitchen - before he eventually stretched out with a dramatic sigh on the couch across the room. Silence reigned for a while and Logan almost fooled himself into thinking Alec was taking a nap when a pillow, thrown with perfect accuracy, sailed from the far side the room and nailed him on the back of the head.

“There’s more to life than work.” Alec grumbled. “Is this all you do?”

“Yes.” Logan replied, satisfied that refusing to engage Alec in conversation would deter him. Unfortunately, Alec took his answer as a challenge.

Logan could hear Alec rise from the couch, but didn’t hear him move across the room. He kept his eyes firmly on the computer screen, and tried to track Alec’s reflection on the monitor, but the X-5 was too stealthy to be caught.

Alec’s voice right next to his ear made Logan startle. ““But you’re breathing, That’s something else you do.”

Logan tried not to shift in his chair, telegraphing his discomfort at Alec’s proximity. “Technically breathing is an automatic reflex; I don’t have to think to do it.”

Focus on the screen…keep typing…ignore jump in blood pressure..

With one foot on Logan’s hip, Alec shoved him away from the desk. “Rolling. Now you’re rolling. That’s something else to do.”

Logan repressed a much more heated response and tried to stay calm. “Alec, “ he said as though speaking to a child, “I actually have work to do. Things that need to be finished.”

Logan hesitated before rolling himself back toward the desk because he didn’t want to give Alec the satisfaction of being right - technically rolling was something else to do, but there was no other way to get back to the desk, plus he looked and felt like a fool.

Alec watched his approach while randomly twirling a pen. He had that predatory look that made Logan twitch right down to the soles of his shoes. Logan decided that the best thing to do was to avoid eye-contact; didn’t that work with dogs or something? Unfortunately, Alec had positioned himself directly in front of the console, right where Logan needed to be.

Logan took a deep breath. If he was going to get anything accomplished today it was time to make a decision. Move or be moved. Make a stand or give up some ground.

Logan reached forward to grab Alec by his slim hips. He could feel the transgenic tense, ready to resist Logan’s direction. But Logan didn’t try to push Alec to the side; he pulled him forward while rolling backwards again. Alec took a stuttering step toward Logan. Logan dropped his pretense of no eye contact and looked up at Alec from under his eyelashes. It was satisfying to see an expression of astonishment on Alec’s face - it was hard to surprise him.

Logan pulled Alec forward again; this time he was much more compliant. Alec slid into Logan’s lap facing him and waited. Logan moved his hands from Alec’s hips around to the small of his back and asked conversationally, “Wanna help me figure out something else to do?”

Alec picked his feet up off the floor and tucked them around Logan’s calves, pushing all of his weight forward onto his hips and Logan’s. He slid down a little to bring his face level with Logan’s which also caused the chair to tip back under their combined weight. Logan held him tighter to counterbalance them and prevent a fall. Alec, who had his hands free, was already at work tugging at Logan’s shirt and trying to work at his belt that was caught between them.

“Pretty sure I have something in mind,” he murmured against Logan’s neck. Logan groaned as Alec moved lower with his lips and his tongue. Suddenly, Karma was looking pretty good.

fic-darkangel, comment_fic, fic

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