Fic - I Feel Like I'm Babysitting But I'm Not Getting Paid 3/?

Aug 10, 2009 20:18

Title: I Feel Like I'm Babysitting But I'm Not Getting Paid (3/?)
Genre/Rating: Supernatural RPS/PG
Characters: Jeff, wee!Jared, kid!Jensen, kid!Chris, kid!Steve, kid!Misha
Summary: It's a weekend in the life of Jeff after he wakes up to a house full of boys instead of adults.
Author's Notes: This 'verse sprang from a comment_fic prompt.

Link to Master post - all chapters

Jeff surveyed the assortment of food laid out on the counters and table. The three older boys had scrounged every available breakfast cereal option and judging by the random scattering of sugar coated circles on the table and counters they had sampled a little of each. There were a whole bunch of things that Jeff just couldn’t wrap his brain around, like the fact that Chris, Steve and Misha all looked to be around ten or eleven years old, so he focused on the cereal instead. Then a kick from Jared got his attention.

“Puppy!” Suddenly Jeff’s arms were full of a squirming, flailing three-year old and rather than drop him, he put Jared on the ground. Bisou who had immediately come over to greet Jeff seemed to have no trouble recognizing Jared in his altered state. Jared was delighted with her inspection of him so Jeff stepped around them to get Jensen settled at the table with a bowl of cereal.

With everything else that Jeff had on his mind it was reasonable that he forgot Bisou wasn’t the only dog in the house. It wasn’t until Sadie and Harley came barreling into the kitchen that he remembered them.

“My puppies! So big!” Jeff’s heart launched into his throat because all he could see when he turned around were two huge dogs and one tiny foot.

Misha, crouched on his chair to get a better angle on the Peanut Butter Crunch, paused in mid-reach. “Do ya think they’re gonna eat him?”

Jared’s shrieks from under the dog-pile indicated happiness, not terror, but Jeff waded in anyway peeling the dogs away from their curiously small owner. With one hand, Jeff grabbed Jared under an armpit and swung him up off of the floor. Jared was laughing and trying to remove the dog slobber from his face as Jeff perched him on the edge of the sink.

Jeff tried to calm his racing heart as Jared pitched forward to use his undershirt as a towel. Sadie and Harley crowded around Jeff’s legs still trying to get to the object of their affections. Jared nearly launched himself off the counter trying to get to them too. Each cry of “My puppies!” riled the dogs up more and Jeff was convinced he’d lose his mind in short order.

Jensen had taken it upon himself to try to shove Sadie and then Harley away from Jeff and Jared, but with his decreased stature he was at a serious disadvantage. Then, the dogs got a good whiff of him and when they recognized Jensen they bowled him over as easily as they had Jared; Jensen, however, was not as thrilled by their attention.

With his hands full of Jared, Jeff could not extract Jensen, but that was when Steve jumped into the fray. With a chew toy in hand, Steve cajoled Sadie until he had her attention. Tugging on her collar, Steve managed to get her to the back door and then threw the toy as far as he could. With a yell of “Go git it!” Steve urged Sadie out the door. Harley was never one to let Sadie fetch alone and followed her into the yard. Chris shut the door with a decisive thud behind them as Steve helped Jensen back onto his feet.

“Thanks, boys.” Jeff said sincerely. “That was good thinking.” Chris just shrugged and Steve led Jensen over to the table.

With the dogs outside Jared was calmer and no longer trying to throw himself headlong off of the counter. Jeff scooped him up and brought him to the table to join the bigger boys. In lieu of a booster seat, Jeff settled for sitting Jared on his lap to eat. Once the two of them were seated, Jensen tried to inconspicuously move himself closer to them before turning his attention to the bowl of Fruit Loops in front of him. Jeff was more than a little concerned about what a bowl full of any of the sugared cereals would do to Jared so he distracted him with a noisy bowl of Rice Kripsies instead.

The situation itself was so bizarrely unreal that it was all Jeff could do to simply continue moving forward. Feed the boys breakfast, making sure Jared didn’t run headlong into some new disaster - he could only deal with what was directly in front of him. Jeff couldn’t afford to get stuck in the mire of trying to figure out what happened or wondering how to make it better. But that didn’t stop his mind from working. What the HELL had happened?

At first Jeff thought the change might be related to the meal they’d eaten the night before; maybe there was something in the Chinese food. Then it occurred to him that there might have been a spell on the fortune cookies, and when he realized that he was reaching for a solution to this madness in a plot from a Lindsey Lohan movie he had to let it go.

Of course some part of Jeff’s brain understood that he’d eaten the Chinese food as well, though he consumed more barbeque chicken than lo-mein, and he hadn’t been affected at all. Jeff started running numbers in his head, and while doing the math it became clear that all of the boys were the right ages in relation to one another - it was just that the gap of eight years that didn’t make that much of a difference between 35 and 27 was a gulf of experience and understanding between 11 and 3.

Jeff let his chin fall a little to rest on Jared’s head while he contemplated the other boys at the table. It was difficult to tell what they knew and what they were missing. They all seemed pretty comfortable with each other, so it was safe to assume they recognized one another and him. Jensen knew where to look for him when he needed help finding the bathroom, and Jared had actually called him by name; so at least that was a good thing. But they didn’t seem to be men in the bodies of boys - no one was cursing about being shrunk or no longer needing to shave; they didn’t seem to notice the experience and years they were missing.

All too soon the moment came when the boys were finished eating and Jeff had to figure out what came next. In lieu of anything else to do, he suggested clearing the table. Jeff didn’t think it came out like an order - certainly not a John Winchester caliber order - but Misha and Chris were both somewhat sullen in response. Steve seemed just as happy to be doing something, and Jensen cleared his bowl as well as Jared’s.

With Harley and Sadie safely outside, Jeff put Jared down to be babysat by Bisou. The other boys gathered around the island in the kitchen looking at him expectantly. Jeff experienced a moment of blind panic; thoughts of Child Protective Services, lack of car seats and certifiable insanity all crossed his mind. Deciding firmly against giving any attention to the negative thoughts trying to overtake his brain, Jeff focused solely on the here and now.

“Well boys, I think the best thing to do today is to hang around the house and make the best of it.”

Misha rolled his eyes, implying that he thought they’d spent enough time in the house, but Steve was the one who spoke up. “Can we go in the music room?”

“Sure.” Jeff resisted the impulse to add “just don’t break anything” thinking of his instruments in the hands of these young boys. But Steve and Chris both perked up, and Jeff knew they’d be careful with his stuff.

“I’ve got the PlayStation that…uh…” He was going to say ‘that Jared gave me’ but Jared was now three and he didn’t want to freak anyone out. “I’ve got a PlayStation and a bunch of games. Some movies…”

It became very clear to Jeff very quickly that his house was not equipped to deal with a squadron of small boys. Not that he needed a slew of Disney movies, but most of his DVD selection would not fly with the crew, at least not in good conscience. Jeff ran a weary hand over his eyes. He needed some coffee.

A small voice interrupted Jeff’s thoughts. “Do you need to use the potty, Jared?”

Good Lord…the potty.

Jared’s impatient hopping from foot to foot answered the question. “I know where it is, Jay.” Jensen held out his hand to the smaller boy. “I’ll show you.”

Jeff did a rapid mental calculation involving the speed of Jared’s hops indicating how close he was to wetting himself and the distance they would need to travel including stairs - there was no way they’d make it.

“Hold on, Jen…let me show you where the downstairs bathroom is!” Jeff interrupted as he scooped Jared up and jogged toward the “potty”. Jensen and Bisou followed obligingly and Jeff left the “big boys” to their own devices.

It was going to be a long, damn day.

babysit_verse, fic, fic-rpf

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