Fic - I Feel Like I'm Babysitting But I'm Not Getting Paid 1/?

Jun 05, 2009 21:48

Prompt response to comment at comment_fic.
CWRPS/Kane RPS - de-aged Jared/Jensen/Misha/Chris/Steve and grown-up Jeff - "I feel like I'm babysitting but I'm not getting paid."

Jeff just couldn’t get the line out of his head - ”I feel like I’m babysitting, but I’m not getting paid.” - it wasn’t simply because it was a line from The Goonies DVD the boys had running in a seemingly endless loop in the living room. It was because when Jeff woke up Saturday morning, everything had changed.


Friday night had been nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone had come over to hang out. They drank a few beers, bullshitted about this and that, played some music and ate a bizarre mix of Chinese food and barbeque. It was all good.

Even when he first woke up, Jeff didn’t think anything was amiss. There was clearly a body sharing his bed, curled up against his back; that in itself wasn’t unusual. Jared often climbed into his bed when he ended up crashing at Jeff’s place because all of the couches were too short to fit his lengthy frame and he complained about the guest beds being to lumpy - so waking up to Jared in his bed was not so strange.

However, waking up to a Jared who managed to snuggle himself into the space between Jeff’s shoulder and hip was strange. That he managed to snuggle ALL of himself into that tiny space…because most of him was missing…THAT was definitely strange.

Jeff rolled over cautiously. He pulled himself away from the body resting against his back and sat up at the same time. Holding the blankets up and away, Jeff stared dumbfounded at the boy in his bed. The child lay curled away from Jeff’s back, brown curls tousled from sleep, one hand suspiciously close to the pursed lips indicating that a thumb had recently been inserted. He slept with the unconscious abandon only afforded to the very young.

“Oh my God.” The words escaped before Jeff could stop them. A small hand on his arm startled him so badly he yelled “Jesus!” and dropped the blanket he’d been holding. Jeff turned and found himself staring into wide, hazel eyes that were full of concern, slightly worried and not quite awake.

“I can’t find the bathroom,” the boy whispered as he took a step away from the bed. The much smaller boy started to roll under the blankets and snuffle into the mattress having been woken by Jeff’s sudden movement and loud volume.

Jeff clamped his right hand over his eyes running through all the possible scenarios - he was hallucinating; he was having the most frighteningly vivid dream ever; he ate some really bad Chinese food and this was all the result of some horrific case of food poisoning.

The sound of small feet shuffling hesitantly toward the door brought Jeff back to what he unfortunately had to assume was reality. He took the hand away from his face and really looked at the boy who was trying to make his way around the bed. The light colored hair, the freckles, the eyes - it could only be one person.


The boy froze and looked at Jeff with a mix of relief and uncertainty. It broke Jeff’s heart to think Jensen wasn’t sure if he could trust him.

“Hang on, buddy. I’ll show you where the bathroom is.” Jeff slid his legs out from under the sheet and was absurdly grateful he slept in his boxers. Parading around naked in front of this version of Jensen would have been wrong on so many levels. Jeff kept his movements slow and made sure to keep plenty of space between him and Jensen; no need to spook the kid again.

Making his way down the hall Jeff kept an ear out for other sounds of movement. Gesturing Jensen into the bathroom, Jeff directed, “When you’re done, go downstairs to the kitchen. I’ll get Jared and meet you there.”

Returning to his bedroom, Jeff found Jared standing in the middle of his bed. He was walking in circles, stomping on the blankets and having a conversation with himself. When he caught sight of Jeff in the doorway he stopped; his entire face lit up with recognition and delight. “Hi, Jeff!” Jared’s whole body was involved in his greeting from the flailing of his chubby arms to the flashing of his deep dimples. Jeff was pretty sure that pang in his chest was a result of falling head over heels in love.

Jeff responded immediately and unconsciously to Jared’s “pick me up” gesture. As soon as he got close enough to the bed, Jared leapt into his arms and gave him an enthusiastic hug. Jeff had to laugh at Jared’s abandon and hugged him back. Shifting Jared to his right hip, Jeff headed back toward the hallway. “Whaddya think, Jared? Are you hungry?”

“Oh yes!” was Jared’s serious reply. “Is time for breakfast.”

Jeff nodded his head. “I agree.”

Soft footfalls behind Jeff indicated Jensen’s presence. That pang in Jeff’s chest surfaced again when Jensen slipped a small hand into his and walked with him down the staircase. Together the three of them walked into the kitchen. Jared enthusiastically greeted the three boys sitting at the kitchen table who had helped themselves to every box of cereal Jeff owned.

“Oh hi, guys!” Jared’s legs flailed a little as he once again used his whole body to speak.

It was going to be a very long day.

Link to Master post - all chapters

babysit_verse, fic, fic-rpf

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