Beach Music 2A, Brendon/Gerard NC-17

Jan 11, 2008 23:59

Title: Beach Music 2A/12
Author: cloudlessclimes
Rated: NC-17
Pairing:Brendon Urie/Gerard Way
Disclaimer: This is purely a product of my diseased mind and has no bearing on reality what so ever, I own no one, I know no one.
Summary: Brendon Urie is and has always been a girl. She meets Gerard Way. Things happen.
Feedback: Is a wonderful thing.
Notes: HET!!, what ( Read more... )

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Comments 28

thesamefire January 12 2008, 05:37:35 UTC
YES YES YES YES YES I was just complaining about how there was nothing going on on the interweb tonight, AND I was just thinking about this story this morning, so you have PERFECT TIMING and have SAVED MY FRIDAY. Now to read!


cloudlessclimes January 12 2008, 05:39:46 UTC
ahaha. glad to have saved your friday. originally? this part was like 14.5K words! *palmsface* so have had to chop the whole thing up into extra bits. *sigh* my life. so hard.


thesamefire January 12 2008, 06:00:30 UTC
YAY this part was good! really good! My Friday is officially SAVED. ...Wait, so you're telling me there was originally more to this part and you DIDN'T POST IT? I AM FROWNING AT YOU NOW.


cloudlessclimes January 12 2008, 06:09:35 UTC
Dude, if I posted fourteen and a half thousand words people would run away screaming faster than they seem to already be doing!! the stupid thing is by and large (really really large) completed, save for the fact that I keep *tweaking* it. And as I mostly wrote it in one go I'm having a bit of a difficulty finding ways to break it up.

Glad to have saved your friday. Glad you enjoyed. Sorry for the frowny faceing...


part 2!!!!!! thinkbarefoot January 12 2008, 06:20:48 UTC
i love this fic (this AU) so much!! please write more soon! i think i could live in this 'verse. brendon needs a little fixing and real love and gerard is the only one who could possibly do it right. also- i really love your strong and protective gerard. vs the helpess/spacey gerard we often get in fic.

i was so thrilled to see you'd posted part 2. i've been checking mult. times a day since i read part 1 to see if you'd updated.

p.s. your girl!brendon is very similar to the girl!brendon who lives in my head. :)


Re: part 2!!!!!! thinkbarefoot January 12 2008, 06:26:22 UTC
just saw the other comments&response . . . you have more already!!! please post it all soon (shows you gerard & brendon puppy eyes)! i would read this more of this fic for hours. i agree with the previous commenter, 14.5 K is nothing for a reader- go for it!


Re: part 2!!!!!! cloudlessclimes January 12 2008, 16:14:12 UTC
aww...I just didn't want to clog up the comms. 14.5 K won't fit in one post! I have this fear of being annoying. My lj, for various and sundry reasons is flocked, so I can't really link to it without causing myself some angst. I've never written anything this long before, so am not really all that sure what I'm doing!


Re: part 2!!!!!! cloudlessclimes January 12 2008, 16:18:01 UTC
Thank you! I love it too. They're both sort of dorky, clueless idiots, which I think will become more clear as things go on. But, they're adorable dorky clueless idiots. One dimentional characteriztions are so frustrating to me. That's why I decided to post this. I got really tired with sugar monkey puppies and kitties brendon and cries like a girl i'm a drug addict and sensitive artist Gerard.

I'm' so thrilled you enjoyed this. Truly. I wrote it for myself, and had such a good time (and am still! I keep finding things to 'fix') I hoped that maybe a person or 2 would feel the same.

I didn't know anyone else had girl!brendon in her head *beams*


fictionalfaerie January 12 2008, 06:21:37 UTC
Very nice chapter--- will leave a better comment when I'm not about to go to bed and am more coherent, though. LOL.

Again with the good characterization of Brendon, though.


cloudlessclimes January 12 2008, 16:11:43 UTC
Thank you! It means a lot to me that you mention the characterization of Brendon. The conventional 5year old on a sugar high Brendon sort of makes me nuts!


looneyluna January 12 2008, 08:13:28 UTC
So glad you updated. Can't wait for the next chapter!


cloudlessclimes January 12 2008, 16:10:09 UTC
Yay! Glad you liked! Thanks for commenting!


thejumpcut January 12 2008, 18:59:59 UTC
Hi. I love this! I love this like Gabe loves Pete in my icon! (Also, your Brendon/Red Bull icon makes me happy beyond all reason.)

Your Gerard is a nice mix of "Oh my God what have I gotten myself into" and "HA! Lookit, I'm doing something *fun*!" - not dour, but not a zany party-loving guy - and he's such a NICE BOY! N'aww.

Your girl!Brendon is an actual *character*! With *traits* and *facets* and *similarities to Brendon*! She's a lot of fun to read. Also: THE PART WHERE THEY HAVE SEX, HI, LIKED THAT TOO. Please to keep posting parts, kthx!


cloudlessclimes January 13 2008, 04:09:32 UTC
Thanks so much for taking the time to say such nice things. I'm an anthropologist, so I get paid to observe people. Glad the characterizations made them people!

I will keep posting, thanks for reading.


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