I'm available for trade now! :D And actually, i just got a mamoswine last night from one of the above posters. Anything else you might have? :D Oh, and what's your friends code one more time? i'll be ready with your item and cubones and dratinis in just a moment :D
Comments 66
Will you be updating your wantlist? I see many of your requests are being fulfilled by pending traders. I wouldn't want to give you a duplicate.
#81 - Magnemite
#90 - Shelder
#99 - Krabby
#102 - Exeggcute
#161 - Sentret
#167 - Spinarak
177 -- Natu
231 -- Phanphy
261 -- Poochyena
309 -- Elecktrike
Shuckle, Phanphy,Taillow, and Solrock
Shuckle, Houndoom and Barboach
Probopass, Mamoswine and Togekiss
Nidoran(male), Venonat, Venomoth (not in an egg, though) and Koffing
Seedot, Whimsur, and Mawile
Gligar, Castform, Solrock
#48-venonat in an egg & give you #49-venomoth
Nidoran boy, a Sentret, as well as a Magnemite.
arbok, magnemite (egg), magneton, shellder (egg), electrode, exxecute (egg), koffing (egg), sentret (egg), spinarak (egg), natu (egg), shuckle (egg), phanpy (egg), poochyena (egg), seedot (egg), whismur (egg), mawile (egg), electrike (egg), minun (egg), seviper (egg), solrock (egg), castform (egg).
And actually, i just got a mamoswine last night from one of the above posters. Anything else you might have? :D
Oh, and what's your friends code one more time? i'll be ready with your item and cubones and dratinis in just a moment :D
my name is kind of rude (actually very rude and offensive, so don't say i didn't warn you...)
( ... )
i can offer a porygon-z and a wynaut for a shiny shroomish and a shiny dratini
pretty please
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