Friday FicRec!

May 02, 2008 12:50

Happy Birthday, Sam Winchester!

Accordingly, all the fics this week have a Sam focus.

Title: One Still Living
Author: ebolacrisis

Okay, the strangest thing about this fic is that the author doesn't post to allow comments, so if you want to give her some love, you'll have to figure out another way to do it. But this is a very typical "Sam is sent to the nurse/counselor/fill-in-the-blank" for injuries" type of fic, set in high school, but it's also a great Outsider POV and features a really good "badass" Dean--but only after featuring a really badass Sam. I love that Sam is not afraid to play any card in the deck here to avoid getting Social Services called, including, ahem, the "The Teacher Touched Me" card.

Highlight: Sam threatening the teacher, and the fact that Dean and Sam's stories are perfectly in synch, just like in The Usual Suspects.

Title: Sweet Child O'Mine
Author: erinrua

This is one beautiful fic about John, Dean, and Sam, and a moment when Sam comes into his own. It even features a present, though it's not his birthday. Erin knows about firearms, and the way they are handled (ha-ha) in this fic shows that she has done her homework. Sam, while still very green, proves to John that he knows what he's doing and can come through in a crisis. The fact that this, as with so many teen!Chester stuff, doesn't involve any actual hunt? Well, don't let that bother you. I think it's realistic that the boys (Sam especially) learned to deal with dangers of the human variety before (or in tandem with) learning about the supernatural ones. Her John voice is EXCELLENT.

Plus, Erin lost her dog this week, poor honey, so she really needs a little lovin'. That wasn't the reason for picking this fic - it was already on my list for Sam's big day - but it makes the timing that much more important.

Title: We've Already Lost Indiana
Author: NewRedShoes

Another Teen!Chester fic. This one is also a "West Wing" crossover (I like those; they made good crack). For West Wing afficionados, it's set during the episode 20 Hours in America during the huge rainstorm when Toby, Donna, and Josh hold up in a hotel for a few hours waiting for their plane. The scene fits perfectly into the context of that episode (especially since it revolves around college tuition costs, and here's Sam, getting ready to admit that he's leaving), and provides an outsider POV that is also an insider POV for the WW character.

And one older one:

Title: By Light of Moon
Author: dotfic

Dotfic, is, of course, right up there with eloise_bright as one of the best Wee!Chester authors out there. This one features little, wee!Sam executing his first solo hunt. It's AU (Joss'd all the heck and back by "AVSC"), but it's *still* worth reading. This fic has 1. a casefile with a real folklore monster; 2. Lots of adorable sammy!Logic; 3. Sam, doing it on his own; 4. Sam still in the w00bie stage of idolizing Dean and loving his family, and wanting to hunt.

What can I say? I love those earlier fics where Sam thinks it's all as exciting and heroic as Dean tells him it is.

So there you go. Have fun reading!

BTW, if anyone has good links to fics *about* Sam's birthday (pre-Stanford, please), feel free to link them!

wee!chesters, fridayficrec, sam, teen!chesters

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