Title: Lavender Bunny (SMM Universe)
Section: Five
Pairing: Yoosu (Jaeho)
Section Rating: R
Overall Rating: NC-17
i still hold
ranalore responsible for this mess.
Synopsis: A continuation of the relationship between Yoochun and Junsu from
So Much Mine. Once again, hot pretty boys, music, dancing and sex. Not necessarily in that order.
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Comments 35
I LOVE YOUR WRITING! It's damn hard to spazz in one comment since i read 5 sections at a go. it's sad that minnie will obviously end up with no one. T.T
and I LOVE IT THAT SUJU IS INVOLVED IN THIS. can you write a oneshot shikyung(shiwonXhankyung) one day maybe after this? I don't mind waiting. 'cos LOL I only like/read stuff you write XD
section 5 is really really hot. I'm reading damn slowly 'cos I really don't want it to end and I read things too quickly sometimes(silly habit of mine)
thank you! ::::grins::: i have to go shopping then i'll come home to write section six.
thank you again! :::hugs:::
I admire Chun’s restraint. I think he just said everything so well. But JunSu must feel like crap now.
I just realized. Everything is now out in the open now. Why don’t I feel any better? :X I thought when they would finally be honest about how they feel about each other, everything would be all right. But I guess just don’t want the same things (--yet?). I just feel bad for the both of them right now. The attraction is there and acknowledged, but there’s still something missing to the puzzle. Gah.
A note on Min(from previous chap), I'm afraid that Min might be vying for Junsu's love now..and I fear for Yoochun...if Yoochun is not giving in to Junsu's needs..he just might find another outlet for release..
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snooookies and hugs. thank you. nom nom nom
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