Obligatory horrific line picture--this is as we were going into the building, so maybe not so horrific
So, we survived Natsu-Komi '11. Well, we elected to skip Saturday, because we were only interested in Tiger & Bunny (assuming it was on that day) and a few novel things. As it turned out (you guys! we are so cutting edge!) Tiger & Bunny is so new it doesn't have a section. But, it's so popular that it's EVERYWHERE. So we hit up a bunch of random tables (also some found on a random blog that listed a bunch of circles doing T&B) on Friday and decided to be satisfied with that. As for Sunday, we divided up and conquered:
Amasaki Yoshimi
Aniya Yuiji
Asou Kai
Itsuki Kaname
Kitsasato Senjuu
Kodaka Kazuma
Kusama Sakae
Miroku Kotoko
Miyamoto Kano
Murakami Sachi
Narazaki Souta
Naono Bohra
Nekota Yonezou
Ougi Yuzuha
Tennouji Mio
Yamato Nase
...only I somehow forgot to mention to
spacealien_vamp (who was in charge of Ougi Yuzuha's table) that I needed two copies of Star Right 5, so now I'll be trawling used stores to see if anyone happened to sell it back right away. /facepalm orz
Other than that, we were pretty successful, I think? I, uh, may have been a little too successful. Oh god, my poor suitcases