so whats the problem? just too much to take on? i should put you in touch with lance. some nights he does 5 or 6 clubs at the same time. has a few people helping but he has his system down so well that it almost runs itself. not to mention lance is a fucking genius, definitely knows a lot about video, business, marketing etc. we are working on a project together right now. anyway seriously if you think you may have to pass it by because you dont have the resources maybe lance could put you in touch wiht some people or something. lemmek now.
well it would be better if you just emailed me a lot of questions and i can forward them on rather hten one at a time, might get your info quicker that way lol ;) just think on it and then emial me what u wanna ask at webdiva @ gmail . com
Comments 11
the stuff lance does is what I'm trying to do in chicago but clubowners only want it on a mass scale for like 20+ clubs, not like 1 only. Kinda sux :P
but looks like you had a helluva time :)
hell yeah I could use someone to show this stuff to, I'm kinda developing new stuff in opengl but definitely up for talking about this a bit more
it's exactly what I'd like to do for a living - first question - are his based on sound, or does he use a program with keyboard input or something?
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