
Apr 24, 2007 15:05

Finally heard back from the volunteer driver lady boss. It's going to be a man :-( he says he doesn't need to get here before 2.45pm :-/ & that he knows where he's going as he knows the village. When I said but I don't live in the village I'm one 3/4 miles away from it she said oh he knows the area well. Whatever I protested was soothed away as my being panicky *sigh* Panicky my arse, he *will* get lost. He *will* be late. This is a private country estate, he's not allowed to wander over it in his free time so will therefore go the wrong way, like everyone else who so cheerfully announces I know where I'm going. I mean they're fatal words right? Every horror film has someone going I'll be fine just before being chopped into tiny pieces, & every comedy film has someone announcing I know where I'm going then getting lost. Allowing fifteen minutes to get to town from here is really pushing it. And the way she said, he won't need to ring you for directions, oh boy, the few of you who've been here know you need directions to find my place it's so tucked away down here. Time will tell, but I'm considering ringing William Hills & asking the odds for a bet on it. Royal Mail get lost & can't find me. He's gonna be one of those male drivers who won't stop and ask directions! Like there's anyone about to give directions lol Seriously though it's got me edgy, I hate being late, I really hate waiting around, I hate going out to the doctors when stressed as it gives her the wrong ideas. Damnit.

I've had fun with the BeFriender Scheme who've been trying to email me only for it to bounce back. My email to them bounced back too but it's being sorted now so I should have the form with me this afternoon. See what I can cope with, or not.

T'other news. I've been a registered postal voter for some years now, & more recently following advice from the council am one of the few who has a postal waiver form which allows me to vote by post without providing my signature. Only I got my local voting papers this morning, & it asks for a signature. Rang the council helpline & he almost groaned when he heard. Yep, all us postal waiver voters were asked to provide a sig lol The word waiver is to be written by someone in the sig box & they'll be checked against the files. Me thinks someone at the local council is in for a big bollocking for not spotting this massive error!

Regarding the ebay buyer, (lj here) I got a message of apology, she sent the message of having not recieved the item by 'mistake' Interesting mistake, signing for it, then saying you haven't got it some days later, til you remember because the Royal Mail website shows your signature as having signed for it ;-) All's well that ends well. And the best bit, the book I sold her was the Little Book of Celtic Wisdom rofl

befriender scheme, ebay, postal voting, volunteer driver

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