Title: Rings Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 430w Warnings: none Summary: Morgause sacrifices herself for a spell. Morgana tears the veil. Arthur and Merlin try to outdo each other's selflessness.
Title: No Apology Needed Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 580w Warnings: none Summary: Arthur reads some apology letters that Merlin's therapist told him to write.
Title: Your Song Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 1,270w Warnings: none Summary: Merlin and Arthur get to know each other better while on a nighttime waterside stroll.
Title: Salt in the Wound Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 1,070w Warnings: emotional torture, imprisonment Summary: Nimueh watches Merlin with a dark purpose.
Title: Morgana Pendragon is in a relationship with Gwen Smith <3 Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 937w Warnings: illness, hospitalization Summary: Morgana and Gwen share a room.