a post. subject: everything.

Sep 02, 2011 16:45

Ahhhhh, so much to update on. Let's do this shit.

- If you follow me on Twitter, then you already know the good news. My dad got a job! It's very similar to what he was doing before, but instead of running two properties (so stressful), he's only running one. It's at a better company, for more money and he no longer has to wear suits. Honestly, this was just all some sort of great karmic timing that this job came available right when he was looking and he was incredibly qualified for it. AMAZING. So thank you everyone who has been so supportive and has been keeping my family in your thoughts and prayers the past couple months. It's been a little over two months since this ordeal started, but SO much has happened that it feels at least three times longer. In any case, I love you all and I am so lucky to have such great friends for emotional support and such. ♥

- In less good news, my aunt is starting chemo and radiation soon. They aren't giving her percentages (as in, you have a X% chance of beating it, etc.) or any of that, but I can tell you this is going to be a very difficult fight. They couldn't get the entire tumor out last week because they would have had to take part of her arm and shoulder with it. :/ So we just have to hope for the best and be there for them through all of this. That's really all we can do, you know? I worry about my cousin, who was 12 when she was diagnosed the first time and is now 16. I know it's going to be really hard for him to watch her go through this again.

- My half-brother has been here for 3 weeks now and he needs to leave before he drives us all crazy. My dad and I are COMPLETELY ready for him to go. I mean, granted, he hasn't done any drugs or thrown any temper tantrums, like he used to always do when he was here... but he's just... being completely ungrateful and leeching off of everyone. And he is just like HIS dad in that he has no respect for women and it's gross and I hate it. (Let's remember that I grew up with a dad who is COMPLETELY respectful of women, and a mother who left my brother's dad because he was such a dickhead and does not put up with that shit at all either. So I don't suffer fools lightly, basically.) Really, he's just being annoying. And I think the longer he stays here, the more likely he is to get in trouble or to cause some sort of fight. (I have some vague childhood memories of him getting violent when he was using, and my dad having to get violent back. AND MY DAD IS NOT VIOLENT. But he will get that way if he worries that someone is going to hurt my mom or me. I sincerely hope it does not come to this again.)

- I'm going to murder my laptop someday. If it doesn't completely commit suicide before I have the chance. It's a complete mess. Really. The battery has been non-existent for quite a while now, and the power cord is taped to the side of it because I got sick of it falling out and shutting down the whole thing. And now it just randomly turns off on me. At least a few times a day. I don't get an error message, it just turns off... bam. Sometimes it's while I'm using a lot of resources, like watching a video or playing a game. But sometimes it's just completely random when I'm not really doing anything at all. I can't even use my DVD burner anymore because it shuts off every single time I try to burn a CD or DVD, without fail. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOU LAPTOP. I need to like get a huge windfall of money so I can just go get a new one or something. And then I will kick this one across the parking lot.

- In happier news, my mom and I are going to California at the end of the month! (And my brother better leave before then or he will end up going and it will be the WORST TRIP EVER.) She figures she's spent the last couple of months working when my dad couldn't, and had to dig into her retirement to help pay the bills, so fuck it, she's taking some time off. We're not sure yet what we're doing when we go - it will either be Disneyland or Universal or BOTH. It just depends on who comes through with free tickets. (My mom has connections, y'all.) But we always have fun when we go on trips together, so this will be a nice relief from all the stress we've had lately.

verycleanindeed, I know you're in school and stuff, so I'm not going to make you obligated to like meet us or anything, but I'll let you know when I know our plans and if you aren't busy, then you are welcome to come hang.

- We're leaving September 28, which is the day after I post my bigbangbigbang. I call it "post and GTFO". That way even if the reviews are bad, I'll be like, "I'M AT DISNEYLAND AND I DO NOT CARE."
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