Who: Fred and George Weasley. Uh-oh.
When: Monday!
Where: the shop, and probably other places good for exploding things.
Why: Uh. DUH.
Fred stopped outside the Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes store. It looked brilliant. All shiny and scuffed up at the same time, flashing signs and bright trim everywhere. Just like how he remembered it, but even better. George had clearly kept it up well. In a flash, Fred remembered every late-night brainstorming session the two had, planning not only the shop and business itself and intricate inventions, but just how fantastic their life would be once they could immerse themselves in what they loved.
And it had been that way for a while, a few good years. Bloody fantastic years, really.
And now he was back. Hot damn, about time.
Fred pushed the door open to the shop and hollered, "GEORGIA!!"