Friends Only!

May 08, 2015 20:12

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Comments 89

luz_del_dia April 1 2005, 13:09:04 UTC
I <3 Harry Potter stuff alot too! Plz add me?


weasley_hobbit April 1 2005, 17:13:10 UTC
Sure. :)


taytortot33 April 2 2005, 20:06:38 UTC
hey I found you through bertiebotts add me back?


weasley_hobbit April 12 2005, 13:41:49 UTC
Sure. (Sorry this took so long. I must have missed it.) :-D


lilycobalt April 8 2005, 22:46:49 UTC
Hi! This is Lily from HE. I've looked around your userinfo and seen your layout, and being on a team with you has given me a good excuse to hop over to your journal and introduce myself :-) You seem quite cool to me. Your graphics and layout are awesome, and I must take the opportunity to mention that I am a Bush hater as well.

I should probably see Wicked, since I've heard all these good things about it...

Anyway, with that brief ramble over: May I add you?



weasley_hobbit April 9 2005, 06:56:18 UTC
Sure! That would be awesome. I'll add you as well. :-D


slythrnsecret22 April 9 2005, 04:53:29 UTC
Love your setup! :)

It's Chrissy from Hogwarts_elite. We're in the same 'guild' for the House Unity thing (Team 5) so I'm adding everyone in our group to my FL.


weasley_hobbit April 9 2005, 06:56:53 UTC
Sure! That's a great idea, I'm going to do that too. :-D


_kyri April 26 2005, 00:02:57 UTC
Mind if I add you? I was searching for local people, and saw the HBP icon. ^_^


weasley_hobbit April 26 2005, 12:55:47 UTC
No, I don't mind at all. Yay, new friend!


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