021 Facets - [Video(accidental)] The Return

Apr 23, 2009 13:13


[The screen is almost black, but if you squint you might make out the ceiling of a warehouse]


[Sound of someone moving around.]

Huh? Not anywhere I know...Is this part of Vichama’s temple? No.

But it feels like I have been here before...

[Knuckles has spotted the communicator and picks it up, turning it to face him as he does, he‘s wearing the same clothes, and markings, as shown in the icon.]

Is this thing recording?


This is the last thing I need right now! [The view is covered by Knuckle’s hands while he looks for the off switch.] Who knows what that...thing is doing while I’m -

[Transmission Ends.]

(ooc: I really was going to wait until tomorrow, but I somehow missed the posts talking about the Mod Plot HOW I HAVE NO IDEA! and thought it would be smarter to bring him back sooner rather than later. How ironic that Knuckles isn’t sure if he’s alive or not and there’s about to be ghosts all over the place.)

really 8000 years old, head trauma?, lost the plot, knucklehead, !discedo

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